Slideshow Maker – Steve AI Blog | AI Video Making Tips The Only AI tool for video making Tue, 27 Sep 2022 12:12:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Make stunning videos with photo slideshow maker online for free! Tue, 27 Sep 2022 12:11:16 +0000

Make stunning videos with photo slideshow maker online for free!

Did you know that there are over 1.7 trillion photos taken every year? That is 4.7 billion per day and that paints quite a picture about our relationship today with photographs!

The advent of smartphones with cameras gave rise to a steep spike in the number of photographs we capture everyday and it has only risen exponentially with the phones and cameras getting better and better.

Also, most social media platforms are driven by visual media where photographs and videos are celebrated primarily. This drives us as individuals to keep capturing special moments, clicking pictures and cherishing the same!

So, you had some great times, you clicked some amazing pictures and your mobile phone gallery is now choc-a-bloc with all kinds of memories. But then, what now though? How do you make the most of these pictures and not just let them marinate in a folder on your phone?

Well, you can make a photo video! You can find the themes in your photographs, put them together, add some really cool, funny or sweet words and music and create a little movie for birthdays, anniversaries, or just to celebrate any specific thing in your life that you have captured in your photos.

And, here’s the best part – You don’t have to slog for hours to make these videos (what a kill joy that would be!). With Steve AI as your photo slideshow maker, you can create a photo video in minutes!

Here’s a step by step guide to making a beautiful video with photographs where Steve AI takes over as your creative assistant and does all the hard work for you:

Step 1

Login to Steve AI and you will see your dashboard. Here, select the Live tab and click on script to video.

Step 2

Based on the theme of your photos, write a short script that will bring out the essence of what those photos mean.

Give a keyword related to the video to help AI understand the context. Also, select music and voiceover that add great value to photo videos.

Step 3

Click on ‘Next’ and select the video style.

And, voila! The AI generates a draft for you with a beautiful, complete template! Using the ‘Swap’ button, select your photos and upload them into the video scenes in a single click.

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Step 4

Now, click on ‘Publish’ and your photo video is ready!

Those photos that were in your gallery now tell a story! Go on and use up all those photos and make memorable videos to share with friends, family and on social media.

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