LinkedIn Video Maker – Steve AI Blog | AI Video Making Tips The Only AI tool for video making Tue, 11 Oct 2022 15:42:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to make Animated LinkedIn Videos for better engagement Tue, 11 Oct 2022 15:37:07 +0000

How to make Animated LinkedIn Videos for better engagement

With some of the most popular social media platforms evolving at the algorithm level to be more and more video-centric, videos have become a big part of social media and marketing strategies for brands. And, with drastically decreasing attention spans of the average audience and exponentially increasingly content being created everyday, videos are just the right amount of visual, bite-sized, impactful types of content that strike the right chord.

However, even among the video content, there is a lot of diversity and different kinds of format and each work in specific cases. When it comes to marketing, the main aspects of a video that are known to create the most impact on audiences/users are:

-Visual uniqueness

-Strong brand identity

-Crisp, effective communication

-Engaging storytelling

One type of content that brings all these aspects together in videos and goes one step further by instantly attracting eye-balls is animated content!

Especially on LinkedIn, animated videos can help you stand apart from the crowd and set a strong tone and tell beautiful stories for better engagement. But wait, isn’t animation really expensive and time-consuming? Well, not with Steve by your side!

So, how does it work? Well, here are the simple steps to create amazing Animated LinkedIn videos on Steve:

Step 1

Login to Steve AI and you will see your dashboard. Here, select the Animation tab and click on script to video.

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Step 2

Write down a crisp script of 2-3 lines that summarize what you want to say through your video. Popular topics on LinkedIn include brand story, work culture, customer experiences, etc. Make sure that your script tells a story and conveys a single point in a clear manner. You can start off with one of our pre-written templates from our script library too!

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Give a keyword related to the video to help AI understand the context better. Select music, voiceover and image source as required.

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Step 3

Select the video layout template. And in less than 10 seconds, your video draft is ready!

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Play the video and swap the visuals in a single click. You can choose to edit the character (both human and animal), the expressions, the placement of animation, the animated elements, etc from a huge library.

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Step 4

Once the customization is done, click on Publish and sit back as Steve AI renders the final video for you in a few minutes. 

That was not just easy but it was super fun too! Have you started making your videos with Steve yet?

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How to Optimize Video Marketing on LinkedIn using LinkedIn Video Maker Mon, 10 Oct 2022 15:08:00 +0000

Optimize LinkedIn Video Marketing using LinkedIn Video Maker

There is no doubt that LinkedIn is one of the most important social media platforms for all things workplace, for both employees and employers. Recent stats show that LinkedIn has over 850 million users! The content on this platform is professional, relatable and very unique when compared to other social media content. It includes diverse topics such as work culture, business stories, product inspirations, life lessons and so much more.

Great LinkedIn content helps build a strong brand story and creates a great channel for people to get to know about businesses and discuss honest work-life thoughts. There are various types of content on LinkedIn that are popular, and one of the most engaging ones is video.

Videos on LinkedIn have generated over 300 million impressions and the impact is only growing every day. Here are some of the videos that work very well on the platform:

Company updates and stories – Talking about the values of the organization, the teams, the struggles and high-points make for great content on LinkedIn and what better way to do that than with engaging videos?

Thought leadership – Share your professional expertise and personal learnings with videos that would help present the message to your audience in the most effective way. This works well on LinkedIn towards building a personal brand and establishing you as a thought leader.

Customer and employee focussed content – Humanize your brand and relate with your users by collating your customer reviews and experiences as well as employee stories. Create immersive videos with these and connect better with your audience.

Product videos – Whether it is a product launch, a highlight of its features, user guides or even run-throughs, byte-sized explanatory videos on LinkedIn do a great job of communicating the content in a very engaging manner.

So, how do we now create these videos and take our LinkedIn content to the next level without breaking our banks or spending weeks of time? Well, enter Steve – Your very own LinkedIn Video Maker.

Here are the four simple steps required to create stunning videos with your AI assistant, Steve, by your side in minutes!

Step 1

Login to Steve AI and you will see your dashboard. Here, select the Live/Animation tab and click on script to video. Let’s go with a Live video for this example.

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Step 2

Write a crisp script of 2-3 lines that summarize your overall content and can work well as an intro for your videos. Enter into the script section.

LinkedIn Video Maker

Bonus hack: Choose from our pre-generated library of popular script templates to help you with the scripting.

In the same step, give a keyword related to the video to help AI understand the context better. Select music, voiceover and image source as required.

Step 3

Select the video layout template. And in less than 10 seconds, your video draft is ready!

Play the video and swap the visuals in a single click from the huge library. You can also customize the colour palette, the music, the scene length, text placement and layout on the workspace menu.

LinkedIn Video Maker

Step 4

Once the customization is done, click on Publish and sit back as Steve AI renders the final video for you in a few minutes! Review it, go back and make changes easily as required and the job’s done!

Have you created your LinkedIn video with Steve yet? Go on, try it and up your video marketing game with your AI assistant.

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