product innovation examples – Steve AI Blog | AI Video Making Tips The Only AI tool for video making Wed, 03 Jul 2024 14:40:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How Generative AI is Driving the Future of Product Innovation Fri, 08 Sep 2023 18:11:12 +0000 Bhuvanesh is a content writer who specializes in creating engaging and informative content technology and AI niche. He has a passion for writing and a flair for storytelling. He is always eager to learn new skills and explore new topics. You can find him playing badminton and travelling to new places in his free time.

The future is here. A new odyssey has begun in the technology world. Generative AI is the talk of the town. 

And, why it shouldn’t be? You’ll see why.

The world is witnessing a technological revolution that is changing the way we interact with data.

What if you could create new and realistic content from existing data, such as text, images, video, and product designs? 

What if you could use this content to improve your products and services, automate repetitive tasks, and create new and innovative customer experiences? 

You, yes, you have the opportunity to wield this transformative power.

What is Generative AI?

This is the promise of generative AI, a type of artificial intelligence. 

Generative AI is transforming the world of product innovation by enabling new capabilities and vastly improving existing ones across a broad range of domains. 

If you are new to the world of Generative AI, don’t worry, we got you covered in this article.

We will explore some of the applications, benefits, challenges, and opportunities of generative AI for product owners. 

We will also provide some examples of how generative AI is being used by leading companies and start-ups to create polymorphic applications that enrich user experiences, streamline workflows, and foster personal growth.

A Closer Look at What is Generative AI

Imagine you have a lot of Lego bricks of different shapes, colours, and sizes. You can use these Lego bricks to build different things, such as houses, cars, animals, and so on. You can also look at pictures of other things people have built with Lego bricks and try to copy them or make your own versions.

Generative AI is a type of AI that can make new things with Lego bricks. Generative AI can learn from a lot of pictures of different things that people have built with Lego bricks and then create new pictures that are similar but not the same as the ones it learned from. 

For example, if generative AI learns from pictures of houses, it can make new pictures of houses that have different shapes, colors, sizes, and details,  even if you don’t have a picture of them.

Generative AI

Technically speaking, Generative AI can create novel content, such as text, images, video, music, speech, code, and product designs, by learning from large datasets and generating outputs that are similar but not identical to the input data. 

Generative AI uses deep learning and neural networks to learn how to make new things with existing content. Deep learning is like a way of teaching AI how to do something by showing it a lot of examples. 

Neural networks are like a bunch of Lego bricks that are connected in different ways to form a big structure. 

Neural networks can analyze the patterns and structures in the pictures of different things that people have built with Lego bricks and then use them to make new pictures that look realistic.

Isn’t that amazing?

Artificial intelligence is transforming the world of product innovation by enabling new and realistic content creation from existing data. Many tech companies are adapting to this change, and they are incorporating Gen AI wherever they can.

AI generative

Here is what Liam Lucas, CEO and Founder of Off-Road Genius, a leading company in harnessing Generative AI to drive product innovation, says about Generative AI, 

“Generative AI is truly revolutionizing product innovation across industries. It’s a game-changer because it’s capable of generating novel ideas and designs, bypassing the traditional and often time-consuming brainstorming processes. For instance, in the automotive industry, Generative AI is used to design parts that are not only efficient but also lightweight and cost-effective”

Examples of Generative AI Techniques and Tools

Foundation models

Foundation models are like enormous virtual brains that binge-watch the internet and produce creativity!

These are large-scale generative models that can be pre-trained on massive amounts of data and then fine-tuned for specific tasks or domains. 

Foundation models can generate diverse types of content, such as natural language, computer vision, audio, and multimodal data. 

Some examples of foundation models are GPT-3, CLIP, and DALL·E 2.

  • ChatGPT 

Generative’s new star is ChatGPT. It is everywhere ever since it made the limelight. From techies to kids, everyone started making ChatGPT their go-to tool for doubts.

But what is ChatGPT? And why is there so much craze?

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot that can have human-like conversations on various topics. ChatGPT is powered by a generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) model, which is a foundation model that can be used for different tasks with additional fine-tuning. 

This is why ChatGPT became very popular in late 2022 and sparked a lot of interest in generative AI.

  • DALL·E 2

Who thought creating an image would be this easy? With DALL·E 2, all you have to do is enter a text, and an image will be produced. 

DALL·E 2 is an AI image generator that can create images from text descriptions. DALL·E 2 is also based on a GPT model but with additional visual reasoning and multimodal understanding capabilities. 

DALL·E 2 can generate realistic, abstract, or creative images, depending on the text input.

News update- 29th August, 2023: Google has launched a new AI accelerator that can train and run gen AI models faster and better on its cloud platform. Gen AI can create realistic and novel content for users, but it also has risks and challenges.

The Uncharted Benefits of Gen AI for Product Innovation

Faster product development: 

Don’t you worry about new ideas or building a prototype because Gen AI got you covered.

Let me explain how it becomes a great starting point with an example of a use case.

Imagine you’re a copywriter. You’re tasked with creating web page content for a client, and you need fresh, innovative ideas. This is where Generative AI shines. 

Generative AI can help product developers create new content or prototypes quickly and efficiently by using existing data as a source of inspiration or guidance.

Enhanced customer experience: 

A product performs great in the market only when the customers are satisfied and happy.

Generative AI can help product developers create personalized and engaging content for customers by using their preferences, product feedback, or behavior as inputs.

For example, if you are a software developer, you can use generative AI to create website code, web page, or javascript that appeal to your target audience. 

Generative AI can also help you test different variations of your content and optimize it for conversions. Generative AI is a great starting point for creating high-quality and relevant content for your customers.

Generative AI

Improved employee productivity: 

The whole reason for using AI is to reduce our workloads, and this is exactly what Gen AI can do.

Generative AI can help product developers automate or augment some of the tasks or processes involved in product innovation, such as ideation, design, testing, or optimization.

Generative AI can empower management teams to streamline and enhance various aspects of their work. For management people, Gen AI offers the potential to automate or augment tasks and processes integral to product innovation. 

Did you know?Generative AI can read and write in different languages and formats. For example, AI can write essays, emails, social media captions, poems, excel formulas, and more within seconds.

Roadblocks of Generative AI in Product Innovation

Inaccurate or biased content: 

Generative AI can produce content that is not accurate or reliable, or that reflects the biases or errors of the data or the model.

This is why you need to check the content that is produced by Gen AI. You can’t entirely depend on it.

Intellectual property rights: 

Generative AI can raise questions about the ownership and attribution of the generated content, especially when it involves copying or modifying existing content.

Intellectual property rights

It makes us ponder- who’s the real genius behind that AI-crafted masterpiece? It’s like a digital version of ‘Who did it better?’ but with algorithms

Ethical and social challenges: 

Generative AI is like that mischievous genie from the lamp – it grants your wishes but sometimes adds a twist. 

Generative AI can have implications for society’s values, norms, and expectations, such as privacy, security, fairness, accountability, or creativity.

How Generative AI Drives Product Innovation

Generative AI can accelerate and enhance product innovation in various domains and industries, and who knows, maybe one day it’ll even come up with the perfect recipe for a peanut butter and pickle sandwich!

Some examples are:

  • Education

With Generative AI, the toughest grammar rules can’t escape its helpful clutches, turning confusing sentences into “Oh, I get it now!” moments for learners everywhere!

Generative AI can help create engaging and interactive learning materials, such as tutorials, lectures, quizzes, and presentations for example Slidesgo (AI Presentation Maker)

Generative AI can also help learners with different languages, accents, or learning preferences by generating voiceovers and subtitles in various languages.

  • Marketing 

Who needs actors when you can have Generative AI algorithms delivering Oscar-worthy performances in your marketing videos?

Generative AI can help create captivating and personalized video content for target audiences, such as ads, testimonials, product demos, and social media posts. 

Generative AI can also help marketers save time and money by generating videos, images by AI from existing text content, such as blog posts, articles, or emails.

Did you know?Generative AI can learn anything quickly, meaning its intelligence is increasing. In 2013, AI had the same intelligence as a 4 year old. By 2029, AI will have the same intelligence level as adult humans
  • Entertainment 

With Generative AI video maker, you can turn ordinary text into extraordinary videos, because who needs a script when you have a neural network with a sense of humor?

Generative AI in Entertainment

Generative AI can help create original and creative video content for fans and followers, such as stories, poems, songs, and animations. 

Generative AI can also help creators experiment with different styles, genres, and formats by generating videos from text prompts or ideas. Additionally, AI image prompts offer a novel way for artists to spark inspiration and refine their visual storytelling skills.

  • Healthcare 

With Generative AI, you never have to worry about mispronouncing “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis” in a medical video ever again!

Generative AI can help create educational and instructional videos from text documents or guidelines. 

Generative AI can also help healthcare providers communicate with patients who have language barriers or hearing impairments by generating videos with voiceovers and captions.

  • E-commerce 

Who needs a stand-up comedian when you can have a computer turn product descriptions into blockbuster comedy films?

Generative AI can help create attractive and persuasive video ads from text descriptions or reviews. Generative AI can also help e-commerce customers make better purchase decisions by generating videos that showcase product features and benefits.

News update- 28th, August 2023: Mukesh Ambani, the head of RIL, wants to make Jio Platforms a global leader in AI and data analytics. He said that AI is the next frontier of growth and that Jio Platforms will develop India-specific AI models and solutions.

Pioneering Product Ideas with Generative AI’s Creative Magic

Generative AI can help make cooler stuff than you ever thought possible!

Generative AI can enable new forms of artistic expression and creativity for product development by creating realistic and immersive content, such as images, video, music, speech, text, software code, and product designs. 

With Generative AI, product developers can explore new possibilities and venture into uncharted territory that may not be imaginable with traditional methods or tools. 

Some examples of how generative AI can enable new forms of artistic expression and creativity for product development are:

  • Images

Imagine a world where your words and sketches come to life as stunning images with the magic of Generative AI.

Generative AI can help product developers create new and realistic images from text descriptions. 

For example, as mentioned above, DALL·E 2 can generate images that match the user’s text input, such as “a cat wearing a hat” or “a house made of cheese.” 

Generative AI can also help product developers modify or improve existing images by adding or removing objects, changing colors or styles, or applying filters or effects.

Generative AI Product
  • Video: 

Generative AI can help product developers by bringing text scripts and audio clips to life, conjuring vivid videos that match your wildest imaginings.

For example, Steve.AI can generate videos from the user’s text input, such as “Five motivational lessons for career growth” or “Why your business needs a SaaS product”. 

Generative AI can also help product developers edit or enhance existing videos by adding or removing scenes, changing backgrounds or sounds, or applying transitions or animations.

  • Music:

 Welcome to the future of music creation! 

Imagine a world where your words effortlessly transform into captivating melodies, where Generative AI becomes your musical maestro, crafting tunes to match your every mood and genre.

For example, Jukebox can generate music that matches the user’s text input, such as “a rock song about love” or “a jazz song that is relaxing”. 

Generative AI can also help product developers compose or remix existing music by adding or removing instruments, changing chords or melodies, or applying effects or filters.

  • Speech: 

Dive into the future of speech synthesis and transformation with Generative AI, where you can craft lifelike dialogues and give voices an enchanting makeover using a text to speech generator.

Generative AI Text Messages

Product developers can rely on Generative AI to create new and realistic speech from text messages or emotions. 

For example, WaveNet can generate speech that matches the user’s text input, such as “Hello, this is John from customer service” or “I am very happy to hear that”. 

Generative AI can also help product developers synthesize or modify existing speech by changing voices, accents, tones, or speeds

  • Product designs 

Generative AI can help product developers create new and realistic product designs from text descriptions or sketches. 

For example, Sketch2Code can generate product designs that match the user’s text input, such as “a landing page for a video creation platform” or “a logo for a coffee shop”.

Generative AI can refine or improve existing product designs by adding or removing features, changing shapes or colors, or applying styles or effects.

Iu Ayala, CEO and founder of Gradient Insight, a data science consultancy at the forefront of AI innovation, shares a compelling perspective on Generative AI.

“Beyond its industrial applications, Generative AI is a wellspring of inspiration for artistic endeavors. Through its ability to generate realistic and immersive content – spanning images, video, music, speech, text, software code, and product designs – Generative AI offers a new avenue for creatives to explore uncharted territories. Artists, musicians, and writers can collaborate with AI systems to co-create original, boundary-pushing works that challenge conventional norms. This symbiotic relationship between human creativity and AI innovation lead to the emergence of entirely new art forms, enriching our cultural landscape and expanding the horizons of what is possible.”


Generative AI is like a magician that pulls rabbits out of data hats, except instead of rabbits, it produces innovative content for everything from selling to serenading!

Generative AI is a new frontier for product innovation that can create new and realistic content from existing data. 

Generative AI can accelerate and enhance product innovation in various domains and industries by creating content that can be used for different purposes, such as education, marketing, entertainment, healthcare, e-commerce, gaming, recruitment, or personal.

As Elon Musk said, “Generative AI is the future of humanity. It will enable us to create things that we can’t even imagine right now. It will also help us understand reality better and make better decisions.” 

Generative AI the Future

Generative AI has many future trends and opportunities for product innovation. We now know that Generative AI is a powerful and exciting technology that can create new and realistic content from existing data.

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