Marketing Video Maker – Steve AI Blog | AI Video Making Tips The Only AI tool for video making Mon, 12 Feb 2024 06:12:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Plan and Storyboard your Marketing Video using an AI Marketing Video Maker Fri, 15 Sep 2023 13:51:32 +0000 Bhuvanesh is a content writer who specializes in creating engaging and informative content technology and AI niche. He has a passion for writing and a flair for storytelling. He is always eager to learn new skills and explore new topics. You can find him playing badminton and travelling to new places in his free time.

Learn how to create a killer marketing campaign with amazing marketing videos that will boost your sales.

Marketing videos can be used for various purposes like increasing brand awareness, promoting products or services, boosting social media engagement, engaging and educating audiences, driving website traffic, and ultimately, converting prospects into customers. 

Marketing videos are suitable to use across multiple platforms and channels to effectively convey a brand’s message and drive desired actions from the target audience.

However, creating a marketing video is not as simple as pointing a camera and pressing record. 

You need to have a proper storyboard in place to keep your audience hooked.

A storyboard is a visual representation of your video script, showing the key scenes, shots, and transitions that will make up your final video. A storyboard helps you to:

  • Organize your ideas
  • Visualize your video look and flow
  • Identify the resources and equipment you’d need
  • Avoid mistakes and revisions.

Imagine your company is launching a new product and wants to create a marketing video to generate leads. 

But how do you create a storyboard for your marketing video in minutes without putting in much effort? 

The answer is simple. AI.

You can either go for a traditional video tool which will take days or weeks to record a video, or you can use an AI video maker tool like Steve.AI.

Steve.AI is an AI-powered video creation tool where you just need to enter the text, and you will get an amazing video in minutes. 

Steve.AI can generate a visually appealing and engaging storyboard for your video. 

The storyboard includes a clear beginning, middle, and end, and it tells a story that will resonate with the company’s target audience. 

Steve.AI then uses high-quality footage and images to bring the storyboard to life. 

The final output will be an amazing marketing video, and it includes a clear call to action. As a result, the AI video generates a significant number of leads and outbound sales for the company.

Just follow the below steps to create a marketing video.

Step 1: Sign in or Sign up to Steve.AI and select the animation/live option.

Steve AI App

Step 2: Enter your script or let the tool generate one for you. Your script should include the main goal, the key message, and the tone of voice of your video.

Video Scripting for Marketing Campaign

Step 3: Pick a template from the custom library or make your own. You can upload your own images or use stock photos or videos to illustrate each scene.

Marketing Video templates

Step 4: Customize the video by changing, trimming, or adding images. You can include voice-over & subtitles to enhance your video. In this step, you can add your brand logo, image & font to customize the video according to your company.

Marketing Video Editing

Step 5:  Review and refine your storyboard that suit your needs. Now, download and share your video on social media, website, or email.

Steve.AI can help you plan and storyboard your video with ease. You don’t need any design or technical skills to use this tool. Try Steve.AI for yourself. You can sign up for free here and start creating amazing videos in minutes.

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Techniques of Storytelling in Video Marketing: Creating Emotional Connections with Your Audience Thu, 25 May 2023 10:02:22 +0000

Techniques of Storytelling in Video Marketing

We live in a world of videos. Individuals and businesses have feared its importance and are now making it the most integral part of their marketing strategy. While video marketing connects businesses with their audience on a deeper level with captivating visuals and stunning effects, the true power of video marketing lies in storytelling. 

Story telling

Storytelling evokes emotions and engages viewers and forges a lasting connection with the brands. Here’s one such story that made a huge impact and saved the rich heritage and culture of one of Japan’s cities. 

During the Second World War, when the US Manhattan Committee prepared a list of atomic bombing targets in Japan, the then “Secretary of War” intervened and would not authorize the bombing of Kyoto. His previous visit to Kyoto had mesmerized him with its rich beauty and culture that compelled him to weave a story so strong that convinced the committee to replace Kyoto with Nagasaki instead. If the Secretary of War hadn’t visited Kyoto, the then capital of Japan would be a wasteland of lost heritage. 

The above story tapped into the emotional aspect and If you’d like your stories to be so compelling, here’s a list of things to keep in mind – 

  1. Understanding Your Audience

There’s a famous quote by Harvey Diamond“If you don’t know what you want to achieve in your presentation, your audience never will.” This highlights it’s only when you know your audience, your audience will be able to understand you. 

So it’s critical to have a deep understanding of your target audience before embarking on any storytelling journey. By knowing your audience’s demographics, preferences, and interests, you can tailor your approach to resonate on a personal level. 

  1. Relatable Characters and Real-Life Stories

Introduce relatable characters and real-life stories that your audience can identify with. Whether it’s a customer testimonial, a behind-the-scenes look at your team, or a heartwarming success story, humanizing your brand through authentic narratives helps build trust and emotional connections. 

Showcase the challenges individuals face and how your product or service helped transform their lives. This approach allows viewers to see themselves in the story and encourages empathy.

  1. The Power of Emotion

Emotions are the key to connecting with your audience on a profound level. Consider the range of emotions that align with your brand values and desired message. Whether it’s joy, excitement, nostalgia, or even sadness, evoke those emotions through your storytelling. 

Craft narratives that engage viewers emotionally, eliciting a response that lingers long after the video ends. This emotional resonance ensures that your message is remembered and shared.

  1. Visual Storytelling Techniques

Incorporate visual storytelling techniques to enhance the impact of your message. Utilize compelling visuals, such as striking imagery, evocative colors, and powerful cinematography, to create an immersive experience. Use close-ups to capture raw emotions and wide shots to provide context. 

The visual language should complement and reinforce the emotional narrative, effectively conveying the desired message to the audience.

PRO Tip – Use AI Text to Video tools to convert any text content into compelling videos and to repurpose your existing content into bite-sized videos for social media. 

  1. Building Suspense and Tension

How many of us haven’t eagerly waited after a fantastic movie experience hoping to see a post-credit scene? I know I have done it for all the Marvel franchise movies:)

Marvel Franchise

This is the power of building suspense that works great with a video series format. Engage your audience by building suspense and tension throughout the video. Develop a narrative arc that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the resolution. Whether it’s a series of unexpected events or a cliffhanger ending, this technique hooks viewers and keeps them invested in your story. 

By heightening emotions, you create an emotional bond that strengthens the connection with your brand. 

  1. Authenticity and Transparency

In the era of social media and instant access to information, authenticity, and transparency are paramount. Incorporate these values into your storytelling by being genuine and honest. Share stories that reflect your brand’s true essence and values. 

Highlight the real people behind your brand, their passion, and their dedication. When viewers sense authenticity, they are more likely to connect emotionally with your message.

  1. The Power of Music and Sound Design

Haven’t we all hummed a soundtrack all day and wondered where we heard it and googled a thousand queries to find the title? Great soundtracks evoke such feelings in us. Music and sound design are powerful storytelling tools that can enhance emotional connections. Choose background music that complements the mood and message of your video. 

The right soundtrack can evoke powerful emotions and help create a lasting impression. Additionally, carefully crafted sound effects can intensify the impact of key moments, heightening the emotional response from your audience.

  1. Call-to-Action with a Personal Touch

While storytelling is crucial, remember to include a clear call-to-action (CTA) at the end of your video. However, weave it seamlessly into the narrative to avoid interrupting the emotional journey. Provide a CTA that is personal and resonates with the emotions evoked throughout the video. 

Encourage viewers to take action that aligns with the emotions they experienced, whether it’s subscribing, sharing, or making a purchase.


In the realm of video marketing, storytelling is the bridge that connects brands and their audience on a deeper emotional level. By employing the techniques discussed above, businesses can create compelling narratives that forge lasting connections. Remember to understand your audience, employ relatable characters and real-life stories, tap into emotions, utilize visual storytelling techniques, build suspense, prioritize authenticity, leverage music and sound design, and conclude with a personalized call-to-action. 

Through these techniques, your video marketing efforts can truly resonate with your audience, leaving a lasting impact and driving meaningful engagement.

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How to make Animated Videos that elevate your Marketing ROI Wed, 12 Oct 2022 07:31:04 +0000

How to make Animated Videos that elevate Marketing ROI

Did you know that simply shifting your marketing strategies toward a more video-centered approach can increase your sales anywhere between 20% to a whopping 60%? In fact, studies show that merely including the word “video” in e-mail campaigns can increase the open rates by upto 19%!

Okay yes, we know that video is powerful, we aren’t living under a rock, you say?

Well, that’s why we are looking one step further to figure out how to build on top of these numbers and really leverage the popularity of videos through great strategy! And, one of the best ways we found is through (drumrollll) ANIMATION!


Animation has a very strong personality and moulded to your specific brand it can elevate your brand personality as well. Also, it helps your content stand out in a sea of boring stock footage. It also opens up huge potential for varied storytelling and interesting presentations. You can experiment a lot more in terms of tone with animated videos – quirky, funny, satirical, serious, etc.

Almost everything about animation is great…..probably except that it usually makes your pockets cry. This ultimately affects ROI. But, with AI-based tools like Steve, this becomes a complete non-issue and animated content becomes one of the best choices for marketers.

Let us see how to make animated videos by going from script to video in a matter of minutes with Steve AI:

Step 1

Login to Steve AI and you will see your dashboard. Here, select the Animation tab and click on the Script to Video option.

Step 2

Zero down on a video concept that world well with your marketing strategy. For example, if you are defining a brand voice, tell a story about your brand values. Write down a short script for the video and enter it into the script section. You can get help from our script library for popular script templates that you can simply edit.

Give a keyword related to the video to help AI understand the context better. Select music, voiceover and image source as required.

Image 1 5

Step 3

Select the video layout template. And in less than 10 seconds, your video draft is ready!

Image 2 6

Play the video and swap the visuals in a single click. You can choose to edit the animated character in each scene from the extensive animated character library of inclusive human and animal characters!

Image 3 7

You can also edit the expressions, the actions, the placement of animation, the animated elements, etc in a single click.

Step 4

Once the customization is done, click on Publish and sit back as Steve AI renders the final video for you in a few minutes. 

So, go on and create your animated videos and amp up that video marketing game with Steve! What are you waiting for?

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How to use AI-powered Marketing Video Maker to fuel brand growth Wed, 12 Oct 2022 04:56:54 +0000

How to use AI-powered Marketing Video Maker to fuel brand growth

It is no secret that marketing is a highly volatile, rapidly evolving aspect of business. However, from Egyptians writing sales messages on clay tablets to modern day print marketing to social media marketing, the modes of communication to bring a message from business to users has been constantly influenced by two major things:

-User preferences and attention

-Technological advancements

In the present day, with large numbers of users on social media, websites and generally accessible most in the digital world, the forms of communication are directed to make the most of that. Specifically, videos engage users more effectively and become almost like personal experiences that grab attention too. 

51% of marketers have stated that video marketing is a sure shot strategy to increase markering ROI.

Video marketing is also shown to increase revenue 49% faster compared to other types of marketing. Those are some big numbers and there is no doubt that video is one of the major assets for marketers today.

Going back to the two things that influence marketing, user preferences seems to be aligned with video. However, are video marketing campaigns really leveraging the technological facilities available today?

With video production turning out to be expensive as well as time-consuming, the overall ROI is not optimized to what is really possible with the tools in our hands today, specifically AI tools. Sure, there are concept-heavy videos that definitely do require human effort but this might not be the case for every video in a campaign and that is where there is room for optimization – For example, an AI-powered marketing video maker!

With Steve AI, everything from the selection of visuals, music and voice-over to scene division and rendering is taken care of by AI, that too in 4k quality! It takes you from script to video in minutes and is a free tool. Even its most advanced paid versions cost a fraction of what it takes for conventional video production. Naturally, it boosts ROI greatly by bringing down costs and time taken.

So, how does one work with such AI tools to optimize video making? Here are the simple steps to create a video with Steve:

Step 1

Login to Steve AI, select the Live/Animation tab on your dashboard and click on Script to Video. For this example, let us select the Live tab.

Step 2

Enter your video script in the script section where the AI also divides the content into scenes. Edit as required, ensure that the script is concise, clear and has a good story flow. 

You can also choose from our script library which has hundreds of popular script templates to help you start off.

Image 1 4

Give a keyword related to the video to help AI understand the context better. Select music, voiceover and image source as required once you have finalized your script.

Image 2 5

Step 3

Select the video layout template. And in less than 10 seconds, your video draft is ready!

Go through the scenes and swap the visuals in a single click wherever required. You can also choose to edit the colour palette, scene timings, music, voice-over, scene scale, etc by just clicking on the corresponding menu options.

Image 3 6

Step 4

Once the customization is done, click on Publish and sit back as Steve AI renders the final video for you in a few minutes. It really is that easy!

So, have you started working with your very own AI video-making assistant yet? What are you waiting for?

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