marketing video – Steve AI Blog | AI Video Making Tips The Only AI tool for video making Fri, 21 Jun 2024 11:51:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Plan and Storyboard your Marketing Video using an AI Marketing Video Maker Fri, 15 Sep 2023 13:51:32 +0000 Bhuvanesh is a content writer who specializes in creating engaging and informative content technology and AI niche. He has a passion for writing and a flair for storytelling. He is always eager to learn new skills and explore new topics. You can find him playing badminton and travelling to new places in his free time.

Learn how to create a killer marketing campaign with amazing marketing videos that will boost your sales.

Marketing videos can be used for various purposes like increasing brand awareness, promoting products or services, boosting social media engagement, engaging and educating audiences, driving website traffic, and ultimately, converting prospects into customers. 

Marketing videos are suitable to use across multiple platforms and channels to effectively convey a brand’s message and drive desired actions from the target audience.

However, creating a marketing video is not as simple as pointing a camera and pressing record. 

You need to have a proper storyboard in place to keep your audience hooked.

A storyboard is a visual representation of your video script, showing the key scenes, shots, and transitions that will make up your final video. A storyboard helps you to:

  • Organize your ideas
  • Visualize your video look and flow
  • Identify the resources and equipment you’d need
  • Avoid mistakes and revisions.

Imagine your company is launching a new product and wants to create a marketing video to generate leads. 

But how do you create a storyboard for your marketing video in minutes without putting in much effort? 

The answer is simple. AI.

You can either go for a traditional video tool which will take days or weeks to record a video, or you can use an AI video maker tool like Steve.AI.

Steve.AI is an AI-powered video creation tool where you just need to enter the text, and you will get an amazing video in minutes. 

Steve.AI can generate a visually appealing and engaging storyboard for your video. 

The storyboard includes a clear beginning, middle, and end, and it tells a story that will resonate with the company’s target audience. 

Steve.AI then uses high-quality footage and images to bring the storyboard to life. 

The final output will be an amazing marketing video, and it includes a clear call to action. As a result, the AI video generates a significant number of leads and outbound sales for the company.

Just follow the below steps to create a marketing video.

Step 1: Sign in or Sign up to Steve.AI and select the animation/live option.

Steve AI App

Step 2: Enter your script or let the tool generate one for you. Your script should include the main goal, the key message, and the tone of voice of your video.

Video Scripting for Marketing Campaign

Step 3: Pick a template from the custom library or make your own. You can upload your own images or use stock photos or videos to illustrate each scene.

Marketing Video templates

Step 4: Customize the video by changing, trimming, or adding images. You can include voice-over & subtitles to enhance your video. In this step, you can add your brand logo, image & font to customize the video according to your company.

Marketing Video Editing

Step 5:  Review and refine your storyboard that suit your needs. Now, download and share your video on social media, website, or email.

Steve.AI can help you plan and storyboard your video with ease. You don’t need any design or technical skills to use this tool. Try Steve.AI for yourself. You can sign up for free here and start creating amazing videos in minutes.

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Streamlining Video Campaigns for Marketers: Boosting Efficiency and Results Fri, 21 Jul 2023 15:06:16 +0000

Streamlining Video Campaigns for Marketers

In the fast-changing world of online marketing, videos have become a powerful tool, capturing people’s attention and sharing brand messages in an unprecedented way.

As more people use social media and mobile devices, videos have become essential for successful marketing. But, using videos in marketing comes with some challenges that marketers need to address.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the importance of video in modern marketing campaigns, discuss the obstacles faced by marketers, and provide valuable insights and strategies to streamline video campaigns for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

The Importance of Video in Modern Marketing Campaigns

Video has transformed the marketing landscape by providing a compelling and engaging way to connect with consumers. The statistics speak for themselves: including videos in marketing emails can lead to a staggering 300% increase in click-through rates, and videos on landing pages can boost conversion rates by an impressive 80%. Such impressive figures underline the significance of integrating video into your marketing strategy.

Videos have the power to leave a lasting impression on viewers, helping to enhance brand awareness and recognition. A well-crafted video can evoke emotions, tell a story, and create a strong emotional bond with the audience, ultimately translating into increased brand loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals.

The dynamic nature of videos allows marketers to convey complex messages in a visually appealing and concise manner. Whether it’s a product demonstration, a customer testimonial, or a behind-the-scenes glimpse of your company culture, videos have a unique ability to engage and inform audiences effectively.

Search engines, particularly Google, favor websites that host engaging and relevant video content. By incorporating videos on your website and optimizing them with relevant keywords and metadata, you can improve your search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic to your site.

Challenges Faced by Marketers in Video Creation

Despite the numerous benefits, marketers encounter several challenges in the process of creating and executing video campaigns. Being aware of these obstacles is crucial for developing effective strategies to overcome them.

High Production Costs

One of the primary hurdles faced by marketers is the cost associated with producing high-quality videos. Professional equipment, skilled talent, and post-production expenses can quickly escalate, making it challenging for smaller businesses with limited budgets to invest in video marketing.

Time-Consuming Process

Creating videos from concept to final product can be a time-consuming endeavor. The process involves scripting, storyboarding, shooting, editing, and sometimes reshooting to ensure the message is on point. Timely execution is essential in keeping up with market trends and maintaining a competitive edge.

Maintaining Consistency

Maintaining brand consistency across multiple videos and platforms can be a daunting task. Different teams may be involved in creating various videos, leading to potential variations in messaging, tone, and visual elements, which can dilute the overall brand identity.

Streamlining Your Video Campaigns for Efficiency and Effectiveness

To overcome the challenges of video marketing and streamline your campaigns for optimal efficiency and effectiveness, consider implementing the following strategies:

  • Plan Ahead with a Video Marketing Strategy

The key to successful video marketing lies in having a well-defined strategy. Start by outlining your marketing objectives, identifying your target audience, and determining the types of videos that align with your brand and goals. A comprehensive video marketing strategy will serve as a roadmap for your campaigns, ensuring that every video produced serves a purpose and contributes to your overall marketing efforts.

  • Storyboarding

Storyboarding is an invaluable tool for pre-visualizing your videos. It involves creating a sequence of sketches or images that outline each scene and shot, helping you visualize how the final video will flow. By investing time in storyboarding, you can identify potential issues early on, ensure a cohesive narrative, and save valuable time during the shooting and editing phases.

  • Harness User-Generated Content

Embrace the power of user-generated content (UGC) to add authenticity to your video campaigns. Encourage your customers and followers to share their experiences with your brand through videos. UGC not only reduces production costs but also fosters a sense of community and trust around your brand.

  • Leverage Video Editing Tools

While professional video editing services have their place, there are plenty of user-friendly video editing tools available that can significantly enhance your videos without breaking the bank. These tools offer a wide range of features, from joining videos and animations to colour correction and audio adjustments. By mastering these tools, you can maintain creative control and streamline the post-production process.

  • Create Video Templates

Developing video templates for various types of content can save time and effort in the long run. Templates can include standardized intros, outros, lower thirds, and other design elements that maintain consistency across your video campaigns. This approach ensures that your brand’s visual identity remains intact, irrespective of the content’s subject matter.

  • Implement Agile Marketing Practices

With video campaigns, flexibility is key. By adopting agile marketing practices, you can respond quickly to changes in the market and consumer preferences. This approach encourages iterative testing and improvements, allowing you to optimize your videos continuously for better results.

Expert Tips for Creating Engaging and Captivating Videos

Creating captivating videos requires a mix of creativity, storytelling, and technical expertise. Consider these expert tips to make your videos stand out from the competition:

  • Keep it Concise and Purposeful

With attention spans becoming shorter, it’s essential to keep your videos concise and purposeful. Get to the point quickly, focusing on delivering the main message effectively. The ideal video length may vary based on the platform and content type, but aim to capture your audience’s attention within the first few seconds.

  • Evoke Emotions to Forge Connections

Storytelling with emotional appeal can leave a lasting impact on viewers. Whether it’s humor, inspiration, or empathy, tapping into emotions will create a strong connection between your brand and the audience.

  • Optimize for Mobile Viewing

Mobile devices account for a significant portion of video consumption. Ensure that your videos are optimized for mobile viewing to provide a seamless experience to users on-the-go.

  • A/B Test Your Videos

A/B testing allows you to compare the performance of different video elements to determine what resonates best with your audience. Test variations in thumbnails, titles, calls-to-action, and video lengths to identify the most effective combinations.

  • Incorporate Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

Every video needs a clear and persuasive call-to-action (CTA). This CTA tells viewers what action to take next, like visiting your website, subscribing to your channel, or buying something. A well-placed CTA can make a big difference in how many people take action after watching your video.

Integrating Videos Strategically Into Your Marketing Strategy

Once you’ve created captivating videos, it’s essential to strategically integrate them into your marketing efforts to maximize their impact.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, provide an ideal environment to share your videos and reach a broader audience. Your content should be tailored based on the unique features of each platform and the demographics of its audience.

You can include videos in your email marketing to connect with your subscribers and get more clicks. Use attractive pictures and interesting subject lines to make people want to open and watch the video.

Lastly, utilize videos on landing pages to grab visitors’ attention and retain them longer on your site. A well-placed video can effectively communicate your value proposition and encourage visitors to take the desired action, whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, or  downloading an e-book.

Future Trends and Developments in Video Marketing for Marketers

As technology continues to evolve, video marketing is expected to see exciting developments in the future. Keeping an eye on emerging trends will enable you to stay ahead of the curve. Examples include interactive videos, VR and AR and AI generated video content.

Interactive videos allow viewers to engage directly with the content and will gain popularity. Interactive elements, such as clickable hotspots, quizzes, and shoppable links, will enhance user participation and personalization.

The rise of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), on the other hand, will present marketers with innovative opportunities. Immersive experiences can provide unique and memorable interactions with brands, enabling marketers to create impactful campaigns.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is making strides in video creation, automating certain aspects of video production. AI-generated content can speed up the process and provide personalized video experiences for individual viewers.

Resources and Tools to Enhance Video Campaign Efficiency

You may also want to consider using these valuable resources and tools to further streamline your video campaigns:

  • Video Hosting Platforms

Platforms like Vimeo, Wistia, and YouTube offer secure and customizable hosting solutions for your videos. These platforms provide valuable analytics and audience insights, enabling you to refine your video marketing strategies.

  • Video Analytics Tools

Leverage video analytics tools to track the performance of your videos. These tools offer valuable insights into viewer behavior, including play rates, drop-off points, and engagement levels. Armed with this data, you can fine-tune your videos to optimize results.

  • Stock Footage Libraries

Access stock footage libraries like Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, or Pexels to enhance your videos with additional visuals. Using high-quality stock footage can save production time and costs while maintaining professional standards.


Video marketing has transformed the way businesses connect with their audience, bringing brands closer to consumers through engaging and emotive storytelling. 

Despite the challenges, marketers can streamline their video campaigns for optimal efficiency and effectiveness by planning strategically, embracing user-generated content, and leveraging video editing tools. 

Remember, the key to successful video campaigns lies in understanding your audience, crafting compelling stories, and continuously refining your approach based on data-driven insights. By putting these strategies and tips into action, you can unlock the full potential of video marketing and drive meaningful results for your brand.

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Techniques of Storytelling in Video Marketing: Creating Emotional Connections with Your Audience Thu, 25 May 2023 10:02:22 +0000

Techniques of Storytelling in Video Marketing

We live in a world of videos. Individuals and businesses have feared its importance and are now making it the most integral part of their marketing strategy. While video marketing connects businesses with their audience on a deeper level with captivating visuals and stunning effects, the true power of video marketing lies in storytelling. 

Story telling

Storytelling evokes emotions and engages viewers and forges a lasting connection with the brands. Here’s one such story that made a huge impact and saved the rich heritage and culture of one of Japan’s cities. 

During the Second World War, when the US Manhattan Committee prepared a list of atomic bombing targets in Japan, the then “Secretary of War” intervened and would not authorize the bombing of Kyoto. His previous visit to Kyoto had mesmerized him with its rich beauty and culture that compelled him to weave a story so strong that convinced the committee to replace Kyoto with Nagasaki instead. If the Secretary of War hadn’t visited Kyoto, the then capital of Japan would be a wasteland of lost heritage. 

The above story tapped into the emotional aspect and If you’d like your stories to be so compelling, here’s a list of things to keep in mind – 

  1. Understanding Your Audience

There’s a famous quote by Harvey Diamond“If you don’t know what you want to achieve in your presentation, your audience never will.” This highlights it’s only when you know your audience, your audience will be able to understand you. 

So it’s critical to have a deep understanding of your target audience before embarking on any storytelling journey. By knowing your audience’s demographics, preferences, and interests, you can tailor your approach to resonate on a personal level. 

  1. Relatable Characters and Real-Life Stories

Introduce relatable characters and real-life stories that your audience can identify with. Whether it’s a customer testimonial, a behind-the-scenes look at your team, or a heartwarming success story, humanizing your brand through authentic narratives helps build trust and emotional connections. 

Showcase the challenges individuals face and how your product or service helped transform their lives. This approach allows viewers to see themselves in the story and encourages empathy.

  1. The Power of Emotion

Emotions are the key to connecting with your audience on a profound level. Consider the range of emotions that align with your brand values and desired message. Whether it’s joy, excitement, nostalgia, or even sadness, evoke those emotions through your storytelling. 

Craft narratives that engage viewers emotionally, eliciting a response that lingers long after the video ends. This emotional resonance ensures that your message is remembered and shared.

  1. Visual Storytelling Techniques

Incorporate visual storytelling techniques to enhance the impact of your message. Utilize compelling visuals, such as striking imagery, evocative colors, and powerful cinematography, to create an immersive experience. Use close-ups to capture raw emotions and wide shots to provide context. 

The visual language should complement and reinforce the emotional narrative, effectively conveying the desired message to the audience.

PRO Tip – Use AI Text to Video tools to convert any text content into compelling videos and to repurpose your existing content into bite-sized videos for social media. 

  1. Building Suspense and Tension

How many of us haven’t eagerly waited after a fantastic movie experience hoping to see a post-credit scene? I know I have done it for all the Marvel franchise movies:)

Marvel Franchise

This is the power of building suspense that works great with a video series format. Engage your audience by building suspense and tension throughout the video. Develop a narrative arc that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the resolution. Whether it’s a series of unexpected events or a cliffhanger ending, this technique hooks viewers and keeps them invested in your story. 

By heightening emotions, you create an emotional bond that strengthens the connection with your brand. 

  1. Authenticity and Transparency

In the era of social media and instant access to information, authenticity, and transparency are paramount. Incorporate these values into your storytelling by being genuine and honest. Share stories that reflect your brand’s true essence and values. 

Highlight the real people behind your brand, their passion, and their dedication. When viewers sense authenticity, they are more likely to connect emotionally with your message.

  1. The Power of Music and Sound Design

Haven’t we all hummed a soundtrack all day and wondered where we heard it and googled a thousand queries to find the title? Great soundtracks evoke such feelings in us. Music and sound design are powerful storytelling tools that can enhance emotional connections. Choose background music that complements the mood and message of your video. 

The right soundtrack can evoke powerful emotions and help create a lasting impression. Additionally, carefully crafted sound effects can intensify the impact of key moments, heightening the emotional response from your audience.

  1. Call-to-Action with a Personal Touch

While storytelling is crucial, remember to include a clear call-to-action (CTA) at the end of your video. However, weave it seamlessly into the narrative to avoid interrupting the emotional journey. Provide a CTA that is personal and resonates with the emotions evoked throughout the video. 

Encourage viewers to take action that aligns with the emotions they experienced, whether it’s subscribing, sharing, or making a purchase.


In the realm of video marketing, storytelling is the bridge that connects brands and their audience on a deeper emotional level. By employing the techniques discussed above, businesses can create compelling narratives that forge lasting connections. Remember to understand your audience, employ relatable characters and real-life stories, tap into emotions, utilize visual storytelling techniques, build suspense, prioritize authenticity, leverage music and sound design, and conclude with a personalized call-to-action. 

Through these techniques, your video marketing efforts can truly resonate with your audience, leaving a lasting impact and driving meaningful engagement.

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