Blog to Video – Steve AI Blog | AI Video Making Tips The Only AI tool for video making Thu, 07 Dec 2023 07:56:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Going from Blog to Social Media Video Using AI Mon, 20 Mar 2023 12:46:24 +0000

Going from Blog to Social Media Video using AI

Did you know that there are over 572 million blogs on the internet?! Yes, and these blogs have dedicated reader communities as well. A survey showed that 77% of internet users regularly read blogs, even if just to skim through. 

Clearly, the blog universe has its own charm. However, the digital content world today is majorly video-centric. Over 51% of people say that they prefer video over text content and more than 92.8% of worldwide internet users consume video content each week!

Text content and video content have their own strengths in terms of communication, and distribution channels. However, when it comes to overall reach and ease of viewing, video content takes the trophy. This is specifically true for social media. 

The disadvantage though is that text content is considered much easier to create than video content that needs professional production and editing skills. With Steve, this major barrier breaks and how!

Videos are as easy as just typing in text with an AI tool like Steve. In fact, you can simply paste your blog URL on Steve and have it convert the content of the blog into a stunning video.

How? Read on to know the simple steps to convert blog to social media video:

Step 1

Login to Steve with your e-mail id and select either the ‘Blog’ tab to start. Copy the URL of the promo blog and paste it into the Blog to Video or Blog to Animation section of the dashboard as per your requirement. 

Blog to Video

Step 2

Review the summary of the blog that is generated by AI, select from Small, Medium, or Large lengths and easily edit the summary if required to highlight key points if it is not already chosen by the AI. 

Blog URL to Video

Step 3

Steve now creates the script for the video from the summary and divides the script into scenes. Review and add to the script if required.

Choose from the array of options for music, voice-over, video format, etc and enter the keyword to define the context or the AI.

Blog to Animation Video

Hit Next.

Step 4

And your video is ready!

Blog to Video

You can review each scene and simply swap visuals from a huge video and image library to customize. You can also customize music, colours, text and other parts of the video in a single click.

Finalize the video as per your taste and click Publish to get your final video to download.

Yes! It is that easy to convert a lengthy blog into a super engaging, stunning video for social media. Have you tried this using Steve yet?

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How to Summarise a Blog Post in under 2 mins with AI Mon, 31 Oct 2022 12:17:49 +0000

Summarise a Blog Post in under 2 mins with AI

Blogs are great examples of digital content formats that have really stood the test of time and still command a consistent audience following in the ever-changing world of online content. They are great for conveying information, educating users, starting conversations about a specific topic or even to simply rant. Since blogs are text-based primarily, they are filled with valuable, well-researched content minus all the frills. They are pure value.

However, with many digital platforms now becoming more and more video-centric, it is also becoming important for blogs to be promoted, repurposed or redesigned into video or visual formats too. And, that is where AI plays a great role!

With Steve, you have an amazing AI tool that reads your blogs, summarizes the content and makes it readily available to be turned into a video format in minutes! You can use this tool to create either supporting content for your blogs on social media or even parallel content that reaches a wider, more diverse audience in the form of videos.

So, how does this work? Let us show you the simple steps to summarize a blog and convert it into video with Steve:

Step 1

Log into Steve with your e-mail and you will see your dashboard. Choose the ‘Live’ or ‘Animation’ tab as per which format of video you would like. Simply paste the blog link into the Blog to Video text box and hit on Proceed.

Blog to Video

Step 2

Instantly, the AI processes the text in the blog and summarizes it. This summary comes in three variations of Small, Medium and Large which you can choose as per the required length of the video. You can also un-select any sentences selected by AI for the summary and select other sentences.

Blog to Video

Once you are good to go with the summary, click on Proceed.

Step 3

The script for your video is now automatically generated and divided into scenes. You can take a look at the same and edit where required.

Blog to Video

Also, mention the keyword in the text box to ensure that the AI understands the context for your video better and selects the perfect visuals. You can check the boxes for music, voice-over, etc and click on Next to go forward.

Step 4

Select the video layout from the template options displayed and voila! Steve now creates your video that you can review scene by scene!

Blog to Video

You can ‘Swap’ to customize the visuals in any of the scenes. You can also change the music, text placement, voice in the voice-over, etc in a single click. Play the video to review and hit on Publish.

Your video is now ready to download!

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How to convert a promotional Blog into a Promo Video with AI Thu, 27 Oct 2022 14:09:15 +0000

Convert a Promotional Blog into a Promo Video

When a new product, feature or a service is being launched by your brand or business, one of the main activities that are planned along with the technical aspects are the marketing collaterals for the launch. As important it is to ensure that your new product is flawless and offers amazing value to the users, it is also very important to communicate that to the users to invite them to try out the product through marketing efforts.

While there is a lot of content created around the launch, one main type is the good old blog. Blogs are inherently very convenient to communicate well-rounded information and so a launch blog is almost always part of marketing campaigns. With the popularity and success of videos skyrocketing, videos are another really important part of launches. Now, what if we did not have to create two separate pieces of content for blogs and videos but could actually repurpose promotional blogs to create videos in minutes?

Well, that is very much possible with Steve! The AI analyses blog content and takes you from blog to video by summarizing the blog and highlighting important points in a very crisp, engaging manner. How? Let us see how to convert a promotional blog into a promo video in a few simple steps below:

Step 1

Login to Steve with your e-mail id and select either the ‘Live’ or ‘Animation’ tab to start. Copy the URL of the promo blog and paste it into the Blog to Video section of the dashboard. 

Step 2

Review the summary of the blog that is generated by AI, select from Small, Medium, or Large lengths and easily edit the summary if required to highlight key points if it is not already chosen by the AI. 

Blog into Video

Step 3

Steve now creates the script for the video from the summary and divides the script into scenes. Choose from the array of options for music, voice-over, video format, etc and enter the keyword to define the context or the AI.

Blog into Promo Video

Hit Next.

Step 4

And your video is ready!

You can review each scene and simply swap visuals from a huge video and image library to customize. You can also customize music, colours, text and other parts of the video in a single click.

Blog into Promo Video

Finalize the video as per your taste and click Publish to get your final video to download.

Blog into Promo Video
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How to use a Blog to Video Converter to Repurpose Content Mon, 10 Oct 2022 14:29:28 +0000

How to use a blog to video converter to repurpose content

In an increasingly video-centric digital world, where some of the most popular social media platforms and content sharing platforms are encouraging visual content, there are debates about how relevant it is to create text-based content such as blogs.

However, despite the relevance of blogs being questioned ever so often, they continue to garner good readerships and reach among internet users. In fact, 9 out of 10 content marketers today say that they regularly produce blog content as part of their marketing strategies.

A lot of research and time goes into creating great blog content. There are studies that say a single blog takes approximately 6 hours to be drafted. When such resources go into creating this content, one of the best strategies that optimizes blog content as well as leverages the video-centric trends that we discussed earlier is – repurposing content!

Repurposing helps you get more and more value from existing content. And, with Steve AI’s blog to video converter, going from blog to video takes just minutes!

Let’s look at how you can use the tool to repurpose your blog content into engaging videos:

Step 1

Login to Steve AI and you will see your dashboard. Here, select the Live/Animation tab and paste the blog link in the Blog to Video section. We are selecting Animation in this case.

Image 1 1

The AI will quickly show you a summary of the blog content. You can de-select or select parts of the blog before you click on Proceed.

Step 2

You can now see the script section of the video, divided into scenes by the AI. Edit the script as required, enter the keyword for the AI to understand the context of the video better, select options such as music, voice-over, etc on the same screen and click on Next.

Image 2 2

Step 3

Select the video layout template. And in less than 10 seconds, your video draft is ready!

Image 3 2

Play the video and swap the animated characters, expressions, actions, backgrounds, etc in a single click wherever required. You can choose from hundreds of options!

Image 4 1

Pro tip: Animated videos convey a strong brand voice when defined well. So, focus on your kind of animated visuals and maintain consistency to establish a voice.

Step 4

Once the customization is done, click on Publish and sit back as Steve AI renders the final video for you in a few minutes!

Image 5 1

It is as simple as that! Yet, the videos that is created is so powerful and engaging. Try it for yourself and experiment with the blog to video feature. Your AI assistant awaits!

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How to go from Blog to Video for Social Media in under 5 mins! Mon, 10 Oct 2022 13:50:09 +0000

How to go from Blog to Video for Social Media in under 5 mins!

Did you know that the very first blog, as we know it, was published in 1994 and it wasn’t even officially named as a “blog” then? Blogs indeed have a very interesting history!

Looking back from today’s age of social media, many people have speculated if blogs actually paved the way for social media and public-contributed content to grow as big as it is right now. In fact, while many social media sites and structures have evolved, blogging still remains a solid content sharing channel even to this day. There are a large number of readers who religiously follow blogs and lap up content for learning and entertainment. However, with diverse types of visual content, especially videos, becoming more and more popular, reaching the right audience for your content with just blogs becomes an inefficient strategy. 

A whopping 92% of internet users consume predominantly video content and that makes it one of the most important channels to engage your audience and make an impact.

But then, if blog-centric content is your strength and video production is expensive to outsource, or if you already have a repository of great blogs and you are wondering if you should start creating videos from scratch, well fret not! There is an incredible way to go from blog to video in minutes! Steve AI converts blogs into slick, bite-sized videos in a single click and it might just be the perfect tool for you.

By using the same content in blogs as well as videos, you will be able to be accessible to a wider range of people and at practically no cost or effort as Steve AI is free to use and does the job in just a few clicks!


Let us see how to convert a blog into video on Steve AI:

Step 1

Login to Steve AI and you will see your dashboard. Here, select the Live/Animation tab and paste the blog link in the Blog to Video section.

Image 1

The AI will quickly show you a summary of the blog content. You can de-select or select parts of the blog before you click on Proceed.

Image 2 1

Step 2

You can now see the script section of the video, divided into scenes by the AI. Edit the script as required, enter the keyword for the AI to understand the context of the video better, select options such as music, voice-over, etc on the same screen and click on Next.

Image 3 1

Step 3

Select the video layout template. And in less than 10 seconds, your video draft is ready!

Image 4

Play the video and swap the visuals in a single click wherever required. You can choose from hundreds of options!

Image 5

Pro tip: Add your personal or professional brand logo in the final scene by uploading it into the video.

Step 4

Once the customization is done, click on Publish and sit back as Steve AI renders the final video for you in a few minutes!

Image 6

And, that’s how your informative blog becomes a bite-sized video in just a few clicks! Have you tried this for your blogs yet?

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