product explainer video – Steve AI Blog | AI Video Making Tips The Only AI tool for video making Tue, 23 Jan 2024 09:22:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Anatomy of a Great Product Explainer Video Wed, 08 Mar 2023 12:08:01 +0000

The Anatomy of a Great Product Explainer Video

For businesses that create value through products, both SaaS and physical products, one of the most important aspects is conveying the value of the product to potential users/customers. There are many ways to do this. But, a product video remains the most effective way!

A survey of consumers has shown that over 73% of viewers prefer to learn about a product through a product video. 92% of marketers said that a product explainer video is an integral part of the marketing strategy.

88% of consumers have said that they were convinced to purchase a product/service after watching a product video!

These are big numbers! Clearly, a product video, or more specifically a product explainer video, holds a lot of power and influence over consumers. 

But, what makes a really good product explainer video that keeps the audiences engaged, and entertained and manages to convey the full potential of the product? That is exactly what we are about to explore. Read on!

The anatomy of an amazing product explainer video would constitute of the below pointers:

A tight and engaging script – What, why, how

The backbone of a great product video is its script. One popular tip is to make sure to include an element of intrigue in the first few sentences of the script by asking a question or including a statement that brings attention to the most important benefit of the product. Also, clearly define the what, why and how of the product in a structured manner to make the communication clear. It helps to also pick a story-line or an angle to the script that conveys the features of the product in an interesting way.

Visuals in line with brand design language

The visuals of the video including the colour theme, the layout, the elements in the video, etc are a big part of the communication. It instantly connects the viewers with the brand and the messaging. Animated visuals are a great way to stand out from run-off-the-mill content. If you want to go the live-action visuals route, you can tell more relatable, engaging stories. Either way, stunning, unique visuals are definitely part of great product videos.

Good actors/presenters/AI Avatars

As an extension to the previous point, great visuals need good presenters or AI Avatars to communicate the script to the audience. You can use ai video making tools to directly convert script to videos with live presenters and Steve to get an animated avatar to narrate your script in a high quality video.

Brand integration

Although the content and visuals of product videos from a brand change as per the offerings, standardized brand elements such as a great outro or a logo across all scenes can connect audiences with your product and bring in that valuable aspect of trust and authenticity to your content.

A striking title and thumbnail

Finally, once the video is created, the promotion plays an important role and this is where the product video title and the thumbnail come into the picture! A catchy title that highlights the content of the video and a thumbnail that engages with the viewers is also part of an awesome product video.

Have you noticed these aspects in your favorite product videos? You can create your own masterpiece product videos by going from scrip to video in minutes with Steve. Try it out now!

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