video creation – Steve AI Blog | AI Video Making Tips The Only AI tool for video making Tue, 23 Apr 2024 09:11:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How Can Using Video Content Increase the Brand Awareness of Your Small Business? Fri, 15 Dec 2023 18:43:36 +0000

The challenge for business owners today is how to retain the attention of their clients. In these digital times, people’s devices are saturated with loads of content that overwhelm the senses. Usually, big brands flood your feed due to their large marketing resources. Making it hard for small businesses to compete.

For small businesses, they must make extra efforts to stand out from the crowd. Employing the help of video content is an excellent way to make a lasting impact on their target market. Impact that’ll help increase awareness for their brands. This also gives SMEs the unique opportunity to connect with their audience in a way that traditional methods struggle to achieve.

If you’re ready to learn about how videos can help increase brand awareness for your small business, then keep reading!

Tell A Story

Using video content for your brand allows you to breathe life into your brand’s story. It allows your customers to immerse themselves in your tale and connect with your company’s values.

Nowadays, customers love a good story. Knowing your brand’s story makes it more likely for them to purchase your products. 

More Content Plans

A good marketing trend to know is to utilize your video content for your digital channels. This enables your brand to target your market much better and provide engaging content. It also helps you utilize your content on more than just one channel, allowing you to reap better results across channels.

Maximize your small business’ impact by cross-posting your video on various social media channels. Connect with your target market and show up on their social media. This allows you to create a more personalized experience with your company while also increasing your brand’s awareness. 

Improve Website Performance

Did you know that you can harness the power of video content on your website and that it can positively impact your website’s performance? Yes, it’s true.

A basis that Google uses to measure your website’s performance and rank it higher on its search engine results is the bounce rate. The bounce rate is calculated by the length of time a viewer spends on your page. So, the longer someone stays on your page, the lower the bounce rate. 

By adding videos to your web pages, you can engage your customers and have them stay on your page longer because they’re entertained. In case you are unsure of where to start building your site, you can always take the help of available AI Website Builder to simplify the website creation process.

Show Off Your Products

If you want to show off your products in a dynamic way, video content is a great way to do so. 

Using short-form video marketing and showing off your products in action enable clients to imagine what it’s like to use it. Of course, you can also use videos to do the following concepts:

  • How-to guides
  • Demonstration videos
  • FAQs
  • Customer testimonials
  • Behind-the-scenes footage
  • Comparison videos
  • 360-degree views
  • Successful user cases

If you can show off your products in any of these ways, you’re guaranteed to yield better company results.

Better Customer Relationship

Using video to showcase your brand can give your customers a much better experience with your brand. Educational videos are much easier to digest and much more interactive compared to other mediums.

Harnessing the power of videos and being generous with the information you share is an excellent way to show off your expertise while increasing user engagement. It also makes the knowledge more digestible for your clients. This positions your brand as more approachable, genuine, and generous. 

So, as you can see, the way you convey your brand’s message plays a huge role in customer relationships.

Making Your Business Stand Out With Steve.AI

Throughout this article, we’ve told you about the impact video content can have on your target market. However, as a small business, it can be difficult to make video content with a limited budget. Especially if you’re focusing your resources on other aspects of your business. 

Thankfully, AI has been transforming video production and making it more affordable for businesses everywhere. If you also want to create video content, you can invest in a reliable AI video production tool like Steve.AI.

Steve.AI is a video production platform that can help you create live and animated videos by inputting your needs in text. You can create the perfect media asset in just a couple of keystrokes. Are you ready to create engaging video content for your small business to increase brand awareness? Sign up with Steve.AI for FREE today!

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How AI is Transforming Video Production: Trends and Innovations Mon, 13 Nov 2023 18:38:10 +0000

As technology continues to evolve, the involvement of artificial intelligence in creative processes is transforming the way we plan, produce, publish, and consume digital content. AI is helping content creators and brand owners automate repetitive tasks, streamline workflows, and inform pre-production decisions. 

From creating AI-generated logos to publishing marketing videos that improve brand equity, we’ve seen artificial intelligence and its subsets — natural language processing and machine learning — take up the mantle for innovation. 

Powered by AI, what video production has gone through can be called nothing less than transformative. In today’s article, we will talk about some groundbreaking innovations that have impacted the world of videography most significantly. 

AI-Fueled Innovations in Videography

What AI can do in video-making is truly spectacular. Take a look at a few of its achievements.

1. Streamlining the pre-production process

AI is making huge strides in the field of script-to-screen visualization. Filmmakers are using AI-driven previsualization tools to input their entire scripts into these storyboarding programs. These tools, in turn, analyze the script, highlight key moments, suggest scenes and layouts, recommend character placement, and enrich the entire decision-making process. 

In other words, they give you a blueprint of how your video will potentially look as you go from one creative choice to another. 

Leveraging these incredible AI-powered programs, filmmakers can test various camera angles, estimate resources more accurately, and make more informed creative decisions. 

2. Enhanced visual effects

Arguably the most visible impact of AI’s power on videography has been in the realm of CGI and visual effects (VFX). From cartoonish animations to creating surrealist creatures that belong to fantastical lands, everything is now possible thanks to AI’s limitless capability of learning. 

AI’s deep learning models like generative adversarial networks (GANs) were instrumental in enabling Disney to create lifelike animals for its 2016 global blockbuster, The Jungle Book

On a much smaller scale, content creators, brand owners, and social media influencers use AI-powered visual effects tools to create their own videos every day. Video editing programs like Adobe’s Creative Cloud and Premier Pro have helped countless content creators and professional editors surpass their wildest imaginations of creative vision. 

As AI continues to evolve even more, we are excited to see what else it can do to proper human imagination. 

3. Audio enhancements in video productions

AI has made it possible for filmmakers to make massive improvements in sound design for video production. Leveraging deep learning, sophisticated algorithms, and machine learning, AI technologies can now help you enhance audio recordings, eliminate background noise, and restore archival audio. 

Tools like Adobe Audition’s Noise Reduction feature and iZotope’s RX series are examples of AI-powered audio restoration solutions.

Through natural language processing, you can now use AI to improve speech recognition, isolate individual elements from within an audio track (separating dialogue from background noise), and even identify emotional content in audio to further harness its power. 

All of these capabilities (and more) are not only enhancing the creative process of making a video but also improving the final result.  

4. Improving the accessibility of video content

As a content creator, you want your videos to enjoy immense reach and popularity. Language barriers and abilities-related challenges can make that difficult to happen. 

But with AI on your side, you can overcome these challenges and create inclusive video-viewing experiences that are immersive and accessible. 

With AI’s speech recognition tools, you can create videos with closed captions that overcome a lot of these challenges. People who are hard of hearing can benefit hugely from closed captions and enjoy the video without any disruption. 

In the same vein, AI translation tools can equip your videos with multilingual subtitles. So your audiences, no matter which part of the world they are in, can consume your content, enjoy it, and feel the emotions you want to evoke. 

5. Automating labor-intensive editing

One of the critical contributions of machine learning in video editing is its ability to automate labor-intensive tasks. Traditionally, video editing involves manually identifying and categorizing footage, trimming clips, adjusting transitions, and applying visual effects. By leveraging deep learning algorithms, AI-powered editing tools can automatically analyze raw footage, recognize key moments, and automatically generate edited versions of videos automatically. This automation eliminates the need for manual, time-consuming editing tasks.

6. Tailored video editing to fit the editor’s style

Whether you’re an A-list filmmaker or a local content creator, the fact is that you have a unique style of visual storytelling that’s all your own. Depending on your years of video making, chances are that your unique style has become more refined and pronounced. 

One of the strongest areas where AI shows the most potential is that it can learn your style. You can set up your editing software’s parameters according to your stylistic preferences and it will adjust its editing to suit your taste. It will also offer suggestions so you can improve upon what you’re doing, and recommend ideas that can elevate your visual style more. 

This personal approach adds the human touch to the entire process and ensures consistency across videos. 

7. Refined and insightful video analytics

Three unique AI-powered technologies are empowering video analytics to shape the future of video making and consumption. These include object recognition, scene detection, and object tracking. 

Object recognition algorithms identify and catalog objects or individuals in a video frame. Scene detection technologies can identify and categorize scenes based on context, characters, and or changes in scenery. Object tracking tools can be used to track a single or multiple objects or individuals in a video frame. 

Combined, all three kinds of algorithms mean content marketers and filmmakers now have immense opportunities to optimize their video content for more engagement and traction. You can now study these insights and analyze where you need to make improvements in the video, and what can be the best ways to publish and promote what you’ve created. 

The Takeaway

The days are gone when you looked at AI and reduced it to an unthinking technology that can only work as a bot and automate your repetitive mundane tasks. 

Time has shown just how creative and intelligent AI can be. Content creators and marketers who leveraged this brilliance in its initial days are now leagues ahead of those who are just waking up to the wonders of AI-powered videography. 

No matter where you find yourself on this spectrum, just know that AI has emerged as your most powerful creative collaborator and you must take it along as you strive to conquer the many forts of epic video creation.

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