ai tool for video – Steve AI Blog | AI Video Making Tips The Only AI tool for video making Mon, 08 Jul 2024 10:16:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Evolution of Video Content Creation: How AI is Revolutionizing the Video Generation Process Tue, 26 Mar 2024 14:51:08 +0000

Historically, creating a video from start to finish was a lengthy and intricate affair, demanding a team of professionals, high-end gear, and a substantial amount of time. This complexity made video production a costly venture, reserved for those with significant resources at their disposal.

However, the emergence of AI is dramatically changing the game for video content creation. AI is streamlining the production process by automating numerous tasks, cutting down on both the time and expenses involved. This shift not only speeds up the creation process but also opens the doors for more creators to bring their visions to life, regardless of their budget.

Revolutionizing Production Processes with AI

Enhancements in Pre-production

  • AI-driven Scripting and Storyboarding: AI significantly enhances pre-production by automating scriptwriting and storyboarding, saving time and enhancing creative output. Transforming text into video of detailed visualizations, it streamlines workflows and fosters innovation, allowing for quicker exploration of storytelling possibilities.
  • Scheduling and Logistics Optimization: AI optimizes production scheduling and logistics, improving efficiency and minimizing delays. It analyzes data to predict and prevent bottlenecks, reducing costs and time. This facilitates better collaboration, ensuring projects progress smoothly and resources are utilized effectively.

Transforming Production

  • AI in Camera Operations and Framing: AI technologies enhance camera operations through machine learning, computer vision, and AI for object recognition and scene detection. This results in automated camera settings adjustments for optimal composition and visual quality, reducing the need for manual input and elevating the overall filming quality.
  • Automated Lighting and Sound Adjustments: Leveraging AI for lighting and sound mimics its application in camera operations, automatically adjusting to environmental conditions for consistent atmosphere and high-quality audio. This minimizes manual intervention and streamlines production workflows, ensuring efficiency and quality in the final output.

Innovations in Post-production

  • AI for Efficient Editing, Color Grading, and Effects: AI accelerates editing, automates color grading, and integrates visual effects, enhancing efficiency. It analyzes footage for optimal edits, streamlining post-production and allowing creators to focus on storytelling, significantly improving creative output and workflow efficiency.
  • Personalized Content Creation for Different Platforms: AI tailors content for platform-specific audiences by analyzing viewer preferences, optimizing engagement. It enables creators to adapt style and presentation for varied channels, enhancing viewer connection and satisfaction, and significantly boosting engagement across diverse digital landscapes.

The Impact of AI on Creativity and Job Roles

Enhancing Creativity

  • AI as a Tool for Creative Exploration: AI is transforming creative exploration in video production, allowing for new levels of experimentation with stories and visuals. By handling complex tasks, it enables creators to explore innovative ideas and storytelling techniques, pushing beyond conventional limits.
  • New Genres and Styles: The combination of human creativity and AI is giving rise to new content genres and styles, expanding video production’s horizons. This partnership opens up fresh avenues for artistic expression, resulting in unique blends of traditional storytelling and digital-age innovations.

Changing Job Roles

  • Shifts in Skill Sets and Roles: The introduction of AI in video production necessitates a shift towards a blend of creative, strategic, and technical skills. Professionals are required to master AI technologies in addition to traditional creative roles, leading to a need for hybrid expertise. This evolution challenges existing norms and promotes a culture of continuous learning and innovation.
  • New Careers and Specializations: With AI reshaping video generation, new career opportunities and specializations are emerging. These roles emphasize AI’s contribution to creative processes, workflow optimization, and audience engagement, requiring a combination of artistic, technical, and analytical skills. This shift not only broadens the industry’s scope but also opens up novel avenues for professional development and innovation.

Ethical Considerations and Challenges

  • Authenticity and Originality: AI in creativity raises questions about whether AI-assisted works are true human expressions or the outcomes of algorithms, challenging the value of human vs. machine-generated art​​.
  • Copyright Issues: AI’s use of copyrighted data for creating new content introduces legal challenges in distinguishing original creations from those derived from existing works, complicating copyright laws​​.
  • Creativity vs. Efficiency: Balancing AI’s efficiency with human creativity is a challenge. The goal is to leverage AI for productivity gains while ensuring that the essence of human creativity remains central to the creative process, fostering a synergy that enhances overall output.

Wrapping Up

The evolution of video production through AI has revolutionised processes from scripting and editing to enhancing creativity and reshaping job roles. AI’s integration streamlines operations, fosters innovative content creation, and necessitates new skill sets, albeit with ethical and accessibility challenges.

Embracing AI technologies in video workflows offers creators opportunities for efficiency and novel storytelling. The collective endeavour to navigate AI’s potential and challenges promises a future of enriched, diverse, and impactful video content creation.

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AI-Generated Content: Exploring the Boundaries of Creativity in Video Making Wed, 13 Mar 2024 13:39:36 +0000

With all the buzz that ChatGPT or Midjourney has been seeing lately, you have to be living under a rock to not know about AI. Indeed, this technological advancement has taken the world by storm. More and more companies have taken various AI tools and software and are now including them in their content-making arsenal. 

Video creation and editing have perhaps seen the most transformation under AI. From automatically clipping your videos to generating human-like avatars, let’s take a look at how AI can help you get creative with your videos.

What Can AI Do For Video Creation

AI For Video Editing

Video editing is made so much easier with AI. Gone are the days of manually clipping, trimming, or reviewing your content. With various AI tools, you can now automate these tasks with just a few clicks. Editors can then instead focus on other creative aspects of the video instead of wasting time on these labor-intensive tasks. 

AI video editing software can also help in vastly improving a video’s quality. AI does this by using its algorithm to analyze a low-resolution video’s frames, content, and structure. From there, they create a higher-resolution version of these frames. AI also adds some post-processing techniques such as color correction, sharpening, or filtering. All of these can help turn your low-quality video into a 4K one. 

AI For Adding Visual Effects

Visual upgrades such as color correction, lighting adjustments, or video stabilization can now be automatically added through AI. They can also help in color grading, which ensures that your videos have a consistent color tone throughout. 

Some AI tools also offer a background-remover feature. Instead of manually cutting out an object or person from their background, you can use AI to detect and automatically remove it. It also helps you create a more visually immersive video by adding different environments as your background without the need for a green screen. Imagine, you can transport yourself to a snowy landscape even if you shoot your video in your sunny backyard! 

Need a “human” to talk and present in your videos? AI got that covered as well. You can now generate a realistic-looking digital avatar in your videos through tools like Synthesia or DeepBrain AI. These can help you save up on paying for actors or models for your videos.

AI For Text-to-Video Generation

The power of AI even extends to creating a video based on your text. You can see this in action with our very own Text To Video converter tool. Simply upload your script or choose from an AI-generated script from premade categories (this can range from an explainer video or a birthday wishes video). From there, the AI will then generate a video. 

According to studies, viewers remember 95% of a message when delivered by video but only 10% by text. This issue can be easily solved by text-to-video tools as marketers can now create multiple videos in a short amount of time without using too much time or resources. 

AI For Optimized Audio Quality

Audio is an important factor in a high-quality video, and AI knows that as well. AI video editing tools can automatically reduce background noise, increase volume, isolate sounds, and apply speech enhancement. This results in clearer and cleaner audio in your videos.

AI can also automatically sync your audio and video, thus ensuring that the right audio plays. Some tools have an auto-ducking feature where they can match the sound effects or background music to the video. For example, when people are talking the background music is lowered, and increased again when they stop. 

AI can even “dub” your videos now. AI can use speech synthesis and voice conversion algorithms to reproduce human speech in whatever style or language you need. This helps in creating voice overs, narrations, or creating localized marketing videos.  

AI For Subtitles 

Did you know that 92% of people watching videos on their phone watch it with the sound off? This is because people tend to watch their videos in public places and tend to mute videos to avoid disturbing people.

While it may be good for etiquette, it’s a problem for marketers to put their message across without their audience actually hearing their message. This is where the importance of subtitles or captions come in. 

Thankfully, AI tools can now automatically add captions or subtitles to your video. This saves time in having to manually transcribe your videos. 

What Else Can AI Do For Content Marketing

AI is not only limited to video editing but to other aspects of content creation. You can even use it for building your brand authority and identity by using tools like business name generator, AI logo generator, or color palette generators.  

Image creation has been vastly transformed under AI. We see this with the immense popularity of AI image generator tools such as Freepik AI Image generator, Midjourney, DALL-E 2, and ImageFX. Remember the 90s yearbook photo trend that went viral in TikTok last 2023? That was from Epik, another AI image tool.

Content writing is also made accessible through AI writer. You can see this in the rise of ChatGPT, with people using it to easily craft their blog articles, social media captions, or email marketing. Al Humanizer can be used by individuals to give Al-generated text a more human-like tone and prevent detection by Al Content. You can even “train” the tool to write in your specific brand voice (whether your brand sounds formal, approachable, witty, etc.). 


AI has taken the world by storm and it’s for a good reason. It makes editing easier and faster, giving us more time to focus on other creative aspects instead of wasting time on menial tasks. 

Of course, AI is not completely without any issues. However, just like with any other tool or technology, it’s up to all of us to use them responsibly. AI should be seen as a tool to help you, instead of viewing it as a threat.

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Role of AI Video Generation Tool Across Industries Mon, 19 Feb 2024 14:23:57 +0000 Bhuvanesh is a content writer who specializes in creating engaging and informative content technology and AI niche. He has a passion for writing and a flair for storytelling. He is always eager to learn new skills and explore new topics. You can find him playing badminton and travelling to new places in his free time.

In recent years, AI video generation has emerged as a transformative force across various industries. Leveraging AI-powered video tools, organizations are streamlining content creation processes, enhancing communication, and revolutionizing engagement. 

AI video tools use artificial intelligence to create and edit videos. They can perform tasks such as generating realistic videos from text or images, enhancing video quality, adding effects or animations, and personalizing content. 

Imagine creating engaging, professional-looking videos without needing a camera crew, complex editing software, or a hefty budget. That’s the promise of AI video generation tools, rapidly changing the landscape across diverse industries.

With GenAI taking the world by storm, AI video tools have a wide range of industry applications, such as marketing, education, entertainment, healthcare, and security. And what’s more, Gen Z are the front runners in using generative AI tools. It shows how the video market is evolving.

Generative AI Adoption
Source: Statista

The above image shows a 2022 survey where Gen Z professionals in the US are leading the charge in generative AI adoption, with 29% using such tools compared to 28% of Gen X and 27% of millennials.

In this article, we will explore AI video generation, their impact on content creation and their applications across different sectors.

Table of Contents:

  • How AI Can Transform Video Content Creation
  • What is an AI video generator?
  • AI Video Generator Tools Explained: How They Turn Text into Video Content
  • Why Do You Need AI For Video Editing?
    • Automating tedious tasks
    • Enhancing the quality
    • Creating personalized content
    • Generating new content
  • Industry Applications of AI Video Tools
    • Marketing and Advertising
    •  Healthcare and Training
    •  Education and E-Learning
    • Entertainment and Content Creation
    • Real Estate and Property Management
  • Conclusion

How AI Can Transform Video Content Creation

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming how video content is produced, edited, and distributed. AI can help video creators save time, money, and effort by automating tasks such as script writing, footage selection, voiceover generation, and video editing. With AI in the limelight, video editing has become so efficient that even the blooper reel looks like an Oscar-worthy masterpiece.

AI can also enhance video quality, creativity, and personalization by applying advanced techniques such as deep learning, natural language processing, and generative adversarial networks. AI can enable video producers to create more engaging, diverse, and customized content for various platforms and audiences.

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Source: Statisca

In the US, searches for “ai search engine” skyrocketed 7,263.6% in January 2023. “Text to video AI” is rising fast, with internet searches increasing 5,900% year-over-year in the US. This suggests a growing demand for tools that bridge language and visuals effortlessly.

What is an AI Video Generator

An AI video generator is a tool that generates videos from text descriptions using artificial intelligence algorithms. These text-to-video generators use AI to create or enhance video content from text inputted by users. 

AI video generation helps craft high-quality videos without the need for expensive equipment, actors, or even video editing skills. You can create videos quickly and easily, without needing filming equipment or editing expertise.

AI video generators find applications in various domains, including marketing, content creation, education, learning & development, and entertainment. They allow creators to bring their ideas to life without the usual barriers.

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AI Video Generator Tools Explained: How They Turn Text into Video Content

An AI video generator tool works by analyzing the text input and extracting the main keywords, topics, and text. Then, it searches for relevant stock media, such as images, videos, music, and sound effects, from its own database. 

It can also generate a script and a voiceover for the video, using natural language processing Finally, it combines and edits the media elements, adding transitions, effects, and captions, to produce an appealing video. The user can then preview, modify, and export the video as desired.

As technology advances, these tools will become more sophisticated, offering greater creative control, personalization, and accuracy. However, ethical considerations and responsible use will remain crucial aspects of this evolving technology.

Why Do You Need AI For Video Editing

With the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI), video editing has become easier, faster, and more efficient. AI can help video editors in various ways, such as:

Automating tedious tasks

AI can perform tasks such as trimming, cropping, stabilizing, color grading, and audio syncing, which can save a lot of time and effort for video editors. AI can also analyze the content and context of the video and suggest the best edits, transitions, and effects for each scene. 

Enhancing the quality

of AI can improve the quality of the video by enhancing the resolution, removing noise, sharpening details, and adding realistic lighting and shadows. AI can also use deep learning techniques to generate realistic backgrounds, faces, and objects, or to remove unwanted elements from the video.

Creating personalized content

 AI can create customized content for different audiences, platforms, and purposes, by adjusting the tone, style, and length of the video. AI can also use natural language processing (NLP) to generate captions, subtitles, and voice-overs in different languages and accents.

Generating new content

AI can create original and engaging content using generative adversarial networks (GANs), which can produce realistic images and videos from scratch. AI can also use neural style transfer, which can apply the artistic style of one image or video to another, creating stunning visual effects.

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AI is transforming the field of video editing, making it more accessible, efficient, and creative. With AI, video editors can focus on the artistic aspects of their work, while leaving the technical aspects to the machines.

Industry Applications of AI Video Tools

From Hollywood to marketing, AI video tools streamline editing, suggest creative edits, and even generate content, revolutionizing video production across industries. Some of their applications across industries include:

1. Marketing and Advertising

AI video generation is revolutionizing marketing and advertising campaigns. These platforms empower marketers to create customized videos at scale. These tools automatically generate high-quality videos tailored to specific marketing needs and target audiences.

From product demos to personalized customer journeys, a tool like marketing video maker can empower businesses to craft impactful video experiences at scale, opening a world of possibilities beyond marketing and advertising.

By adhering to the brand’s writing style and tone, AI-generated videos enhance engagement, leading to increased viewer interaction, shares, and brand visibility

2. Healthcare and Training

In the healthcare sector, AI video tools are transforming training and education. Lifelike simulations, powered by AI, provide realistic scenarios for medical professionals. 

AI video generation plays a pivotal role in delivering impactful training solutions. These solutions span diverse domains, including corporate training and specialized professional development. By incorporating AI-generated videos into healthcare training programs, AI video generator tools enhance visual learning experiences, create interactive modules, and tailor educational content to cater to the needs of the user.

Check out this video where health insurance is explained from a video created using Steve AI, an AI video generator tool 

3. Education and E-Learning

Educators are embracing AI video generation to create immersive e-learning experiences. Personalized content, interactive quizzes, and dynamic visual explanations enhance student engagement..

AI video tools reduces the time and effort required to create high-quality e-learning content. Educators and trainers can focus on teaching, while AI handles video production. This efficiency benefits both learners and educators, ensuring a seamless learning process

Here how you can Steve AI’s education video maker to create educational content for your users. The below Youtube link is just an example.

4. Entertainment and Content Creation

AI video tools are altering the entertainment landscape. From virtual sets in movies to personalized video messages from celebrities, AI-driven content captivates audiences. Creators experiment with novel storytelling techniques, pushing the boundaries of creativity.

AI-generated characters can be used in video games, animated films, and virtual reality experiences. These virtual actors can perform scripted actions and enhance the overall storytelling

5. Real Estate and Property Management

Virtual property tours, generated by AI, allow potential buyers and renters to explore spaces remotely. These interactive videos provide a realistic sense of properties, saving time and resources.

As much as 73% of homeowners say they’re more likely to list with an agent who uses video as their marketing tool. 

Watch this reel to know more about how to use real estate video maker to create home-tour videos that let you make more conversions

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AI video generation is not limited to a single industry; it permeates diverse sectors, transforming content creation, communication, and engagement. As organizations embrace these tools, they unlock new possibilities and redefine industry standards. The future holds even more exciting applications as AI continues to evolve.

Remember, the power of AI lies not only in its algorithms but in how we harness it to create meaningful experiences for people.

Explore Steve AI platform and discover how we can help you leverage the power of AI video generation to create meaningful experiences that captivate your audience and achieve your goals.

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Interactive Videos: Engaging Audiences in a Clickable World Fri, 16 Feb 2024 13:12:23 +0000

Interactive videos are exploding in popularity. But what are they, and how do they differ from the standard video format we’re used to?

The short answer is that unlike traditional linear videos, where users have the option to “Play, Pause, Fast Forward, and Rewind,” interactive videos also include clickable or touchable hotspots that viewers can interact with.

Interactive videos are being used successfully for many different purposes, including:

  • Moving the screen 360° to explore an environment.
  • Revealing information about on-screen products and linking to online stores.
  • Allowing viewers of training videos to make decisions that affect various outcomes.
  • Moving between different storylines for “choose your own adventure” entertainment.
  • Answering questionnaires or polls.

However they are used, interactive videos generate greater engagement by immersing viewers more deeply in the subject matter. So, if you’re looking for new ways to improve conversions and grow your sales, this new media format could prove invaluable.

The Power of Interactive Videos

There’s no denying that interactive videos are much more costly and time-consuming to create than a traditional YouTube promotional film. However, at a time when attention spans are plummeting, the extra effort can skyrocket your marketing campaigns.

Here are just a few of the reasons a good interactive video trumps a regular linear version:

  • Higher conversion rates: According to research, interactive videos have click-through rates of around 11%. By contrast, a typical YouTube video may only achieve 1%.
  • Better engagement: Interactive videos create an active rather than passive viewing experience that captivates viewers and encourages them to continue watching.
  • More memorable: Even if a viewer isn’t interested in the subject matter of your interactive video, the sheer novelty factor may be enough for them to keep watching. 
  • Improved data collection: Certain interactive video tools allow you to track exactly how people interact with certain video elements rather than simply reporting on data collection how long they spent watching.

The Different Features of Interactive Videos

So far, we’ve touched on how businesses use interactive videos and their benefits over traditional media forms. But what exactly is an interactive video? Or, more precisely, what features can be added to a basic video to make it a more immersive experience?

Here are some of the most common methods and technologies:

Clickable or tappable hotspots

Hotspots are areas on a video that can be clicked or tapped to reveal more information. There are two ways hotspots can be implemented:

  • Static Hotspots, as the name suggests, appear on fixed areas of the screen.
  • Sticky Hotspots appear attached to an object as it moves around a scene. This feature is most often used to give additional context to products. For example, print-on-demand companies that allow you to make your own t-shirt could use sticky hotspots to let viewers learn more about various fabric styles and print methods.

Now, let’s look at some examples of how hotpots can be used in interactive videos:

  • Hotspots can be used to allow a viewer to jump to a scene of their choice. This effect is known as branching. Using the example mentioned a moment ago, a printing or clothing company might use branching to give viewers the option to view ‘custom hoodies’ or ‘custom tote bags‘, and the video would then branch to a new scene depending on the viewer’s choice.
  • When a hotspot is clicked or tapped, an overlay might appear, providing additional information, such as a product’s price, specifications, or interesting facts for e-Learning purposes.
  • Hotspots are also an excellent method for diverting traffic from a video to a website or eCommerce product page.

360 Degree Experiences

Unlike regular videos, 360° video is recorded in all directions using a special camera. While watching these videos, viewers can control the viewing angle and watch the action from any perspective. Of course, 360° videos can also incorporate hotspots and branching, making for a completely immersive experience.

Tools and Platforms for Creating Interactive Videos

The interactive video sector is still in its infancy. Unfortunately, that means many of the services are expensive or aimed at larger corporate and B2B clients. However, we were able to put together a list of useful resources to help you get started:

i) Eko Studio is a powerful online interactive video tool that’s easy to learn and completely free.

ii) is an online tool, which helps to generate videos in minutes and price starts at only 15$ per month. 

iii) Rapt Media is considered an industry leader in the interactive video space. Unfortunately, the service is aimed at larger companies, so you’ll need deep pockets!

iv) WIREWAX is another big player, with software available from $1000/month.

v) Mindstamp allows you to add buttons, hotspots, drawings and more to your videos. The starter package is very reasonable, at under $30/month for a single user.

vi) DilogR has more of a marketing slant, and offers quizzes, interactive videos, and more for around $100/month.

vii) Adobe Captivate is a powerful eLearning tool that can be used to create interactive video — though you’ll need to do some customization. Once you get the hang of the software, you’ll be able to produce some incredible educational programs.

Real-life Case Studies

Honda: The Other Side

Honda successfully used an interactive video to market their sporty Civic Type R model. The idea of the video was simple but effective: The car in question led a double life. By day, the vehicle and its owner carefully transported a family. However, if viewers pressed “R” on their keyboards, the camera would jump to a parallel storyline where the car and its owner chased art thieves. 

This interactive video beautifully conveyed how Honda made practical family vehicles that could still be exciting when the situation demanded.

Deloitte: Will You Fit into Deloitte?

Professional services firm Deloitte’s interactive video aimed to introduce new candidates to the company’s workplace culture. Viewers were taken through a series of situations and presented with choices that each had their own consequences. The video was widely appreciated and heavily shared on social media. 

Philips: Click & Style

Philips’ interactive video is an excellent example of using hotspots effectively. The video began with the protagonist asking the viewer to choose a style for him. The viewer then picked hotspots at various stages of the film, with each interaction leading to a different storyline.

Although the video was purely about making more sales, its amazing storyline kept viewers engaged and was responsible for dramatically increasing traffic to the company’s website.

Samsung: The Anatomy of Surf

To coincide with the launch of their Gear VR, Samsung commissioned an interactive 3D surfing video narrated by pro surfer Ian Walsh. The film gave a realistic, slow-motion perspective inside the barrel of a wave, and viewers could pan and tilt the camera to see the action from every angle.

Tips and Tricks

1. Don’t just display products or add “Buy Now” buttons, but instead, try and tell an immersive story that generates emotion and hooks your audience, compelling them to keep watching.

    2. If your interactive video is intended as a sales tool, not everyone who watches will end up making a purchase. Make sure to also capture email addresses or other lead information so that you can continue marketing to viewers long after they’ve finished watching.

    3. Keep your interactive video script short and punchy. Although it sounds obvious, ensure that you are using as many interactive elements as possible to use the medium to its fullest and keep viewers engaged.

    4. To generate sales using video, you need to take viewers on an emotional journey. Interactive videos can work fantastically when it comes to creating a sense of surprise or humor, for example, so take full advantage of everything the medium has to offer.

    5. A dopamine rush can be a powerful sales tool if used correctly. When it comes to interactive videos, giving viewers a sense of achievement (gamification) by allowing them to unlock special features or progress through a narrative can massively boost conversion.

    6. The more complex an interactive video, the more costly it will be to create. You can save a lot of time and money by creating a detailed storyboard before approaching prospective video production companies. The more information and scripting you’re able to provide, the better.

    7. Remember that your interactive video will likely be watched on tablets and smartphones. To ensure an optimal user experience, consider using UX design software to ensure that clickable elements are easily visible and accessible on smaller screens.

    8. Your interactive video project isn’t finished once the final film has been uploaded. For your marketing campaign to succeed, you’ll need the video to go viral —at least in your own niche. For that to happen, you’ll need a well-executed social media campaign.


    Making interactive videos requires a great deal of planning and careful consideration of your audience or target market. However, as part of a well-executed market campaign, they can be a potent sales or lead generation tool.

    Creating a “choose your own adventure” style film or adding targeted product recommendations into a video advert would have seemed like pure science fiction just a few decades ago. Yet today, plenty of cloud-based interactive video platforms and software tools exist, allowing you to get started right away.

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    AI Video Editing Tools to Speed Up Production Thu, 08 Feb 2024 14:45:33 +0000


    As media becomes even more accessible with technology today, consuming content becomes easier. This does mean producing quality content even faster to keep up with trends and audience demand becomes a challenge.

    Fortunately, artificially intelligent (AI) video editing tools have been steadily on the rise. The entire content creation process can be simplified, streamlined, and shipped out faster than ever before. It’s no wonder that content creators, marketers, and business owners turn to artificially intelligent (AI) video editing tools to build their videos. Kantar’s Media Reactions 2023 even found that 67% of global marketers are positive about the use of Gen AI to produce content.

    If you’re thinking about integrating an AI video editor into your creative process, read on to see how it can fit into your workflow.

    The benefits of using AI video editing tools to speed up workflows

    When you’re looking to enhance efficiency in creating videos, using an AI video editor can easily fast-track your workflow. AI technology has the capability to condense tasks in your video editing process that are lengthy or complex into a three to four-step procedure.

    These are just some of the benefits that you get out of video editing with an AI software.

    Automated editing

    Using an AI video editing tool can automate some of the most time-consuming tasks. This means no more manual editing for trimming footage, cropping videos, adjusting color balance, or even syncing audio. A prompt or a few clicks will often do the trick.

    Automated accessibility

    Audiences and their ability to view and enjoy your content matters. With AI video editors, there are often options to automate accessibility features such as captions, subtitles, and translations.

    Instant organization

    Creating videos means working with a lot of files that include footage, music, and voiceovers. Sorting through them can be overwhelming. The right AI-powered video editor will have tools that organize and categorize your content via face recognition, content type, and other criteria. This will also help you in sourcing the right files when it comes to actual editing.

    Consistent quality

    Starting a long-form video or a series of videos needs consistency in settings. This includes color grading, framing, audio levels, and more, which AI video editors can edit and optimize instantly.

    Fast iteration

    Running multiple videos or prototypes helps to refine the final product and create the version of your content. With AI tools, you can speed through processes and produce as many iterations of your video as you need without wasting any extra time.

    Advanced effects

    Some AI video editing software offers advanced effects that might not be doable with traditional editing with a tight timeline. You can do tasks such as editing scenes, and background or object removal.

    Machine learning and adapting

    One of the most helpful capabilities of AI is machine learning and adapting to the settings and preferences you need. The longer you work with your AI software, you boost efficiency without sacrificing the output quality.

    How to use AI video editors in the production process

    While video editing, for the most part, happens in post-production, AI is actually able to help with different aspects of the full creative process. It’s just a matter of accurately prompting and using the tools.

    These are a few of the ways AI can assist in the full video production process.


    Ideation doesn’t have to be complex. The popular AI software, ChatGPT, and other prompt generators can assist in recommending and expanding your content ideas.


    AI powered tools have advanced features that offer script generation based on prompts. Sharing your idea, its context, and ideal story flow will be enough to create a script that AI video generators can use to then turn into shareable content.

    AI video and audio generation

    Aside from using royalty-free video footage and music, you can prompt AI to produce the actual media for you. Whether you’re using a script or just sharing the concept, you can cut down the time you’d spend sourcing the files easily.

    Audio and voiceover editing

    Sound design can make or break your video content. Some of the best AI video editors can fine-tune your audio and generate voiceovers instantly. That means you can save time editing audio quality and finding talent for voice overs in one go.

    Video editing

    You can breeze through some of the most time-consuming stages of video editing such as background removal to arranging, cutting, and splicing clips. It can effectively eliminate the most repetitive processes.

    The best AI video editors to streamline production

    There are many AI video editors available today. We’ve compiled some of the best that can effectively streamline your production process while improving the quality of your work.

    1. Steve AI

    Steve AI

    Steve AI is an AI tool that enables text-to-video generation that includes live-action and animation footage. You’ll also be able to find millions of premium royalty-free media assets for background music, extra video footage, and more. It offers template-based video creation to help speed up the production process.


    • $15/month on a Basic plan
    • $45/month on a Starter plan
    • $60/month on a Pro plan

    Best used for:

    • Automated video creation with scripts, video footage, and animations
    • Customized video template formats for branded or stylized content
    • AI voiceover generation across languages and accents


    • Easy text to video creation using scripts, blog posts, and audio
    • AI-driven video editing for tedious processes
    • Consistent quality content for videos across platforms
    • User-friendly interface with a minimal learning curve


    • Limitations with complex editing capabilities

    2. Vmaker AI

    Vmaker AI

    Vmaker AI turns raw videos into publish-ready wow videos in minutes by intelligently adding intros, outros, b-rolls, background music, subtitles, animations, stickers, and more making your videos publish-ready on a click. 

    With this online AI video editor and its comprehensive manual editing suite, you can also customize the AI-created video. AI sets the stage for you but you can build up on top of it according to what you like. 

    Vmaker AI reduces the time it takes to convert your ideas into videos.


    • $0/month on a Free plan
    • $24/month on a Starter plan
    • $39/month on a Team plan

    Best used for:

    • Transform your raw video footage into publish-ready videos in minutes
    • Convert long-form videos into bite-sized clips perfect for YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, and TikTok.
    • Cut, trim, merge, resize, adjust playback speed, add audio to video, add text to video, and more.
    • Create stunning highlights for your video to insert as intros or download as teasers.
    • Add subtitles in over 35 languages with 80+ cool animations and styles! Translation in 100+ languages is also available.
    • Effortlessly remove video backgrounds with or without a green screen using AI video background remover. 
    • Use Vmaker AI’s patented MAD AI button to automatically apply text, b-rolls, background music, and intros/outros to your videos.
    • Apply the best editing styles from our viral style library to make your videos go viral.


    • One-click raw to wow video in a minute to save time on video editing.
    • Highly intuitive tool with zero learning curve.
    • 10M+ library of royalty-free stock background music, images, and videos at your fingertips.
    • Decreases the “Time-to-Content” and makes it easier for anyone to edit their videos.


    • Watermark is added in the free version, although it’s not a big one.

    3. Movavi Video Editor

    Movavi Video Editor

    The Movavi Video Editor combines the power of traditional video editing with AI. With the video editor’s user-friendly interface, you can save time in more ways than one. You’ll be able to pick up on the production process quickly, automate the tedious tasks with AI, and execute your projects even faster.


    • $54.95/year
    • $79.95 for a one-time purchase
    • Get a free 30-day trial

    Best used for:

    • Efficient video editing with both traditional and AI-powered tools
    • Enhancing video footage quality with AI
    • Smart montage wizard for automated video montaging


    • Automate repetitive tasks with AI
    • Creative assistance in lengthy editing processes
    • Incorporate video accessibility features instantly
    • Direct-to-platform uploads


    • Feature limitations on the free trial

    4. is an online video editor that offers multiple subscription tiers that unlock more tools the higher your tier is. You’ll find many AI video editing features with the software to speed up production for editing, transcribing, and marketing.


    • $12/month on a Basic plan
    • $24/month on a Pro plan
    • $59/month on a Business plan

    Best used for:

    • Script, audio, and image generation
    • Social media optimization


    • AI tools that automate repetitive tasks
    • API capabilities
    • User-friendly interface


    • Limitations on advanced editing features

    5. Descript


    Descript operates on a straightforward UI that enables creators to record footage directly from the app aside from video editing. It uses AI to transcribe audio and video files, which you can then edit through text.


    • $54.95/year
    • $79.95 for a one-time purchase
    • Free 30-day trial

    Best used for:

    • AI-based video and audio editing with transcript
    • Create videos quickly with templates


    • Overdubbing to edit or change words in video and audio
    • Multiple user collaboration features
    • Automatic filler word removal


    • Heavy dependence on transcript

    6. Wondershare Filmora

    Wondershare Filmora

    Wondershare Filmora is an AI-powered video editing software that combines the use of copywriting, audio editing, motion-tracking, smart cutting, and more. Ultimately, you can build scripts, titles and descriptions, aside from its video editing capabilities.


    • Starts at $49.99/year

    Best used for:

    • Video editing and copywriting with AI-powered tools


    • 4K support for higher quality exports
    • Extensive collection of effects and presets for easy editing


    • File storage needs to be saved locally
    • Limited range of more advanced features

    7. CapCut

    CapCut is most commonly known as a mobile video editing app, however because of its range of tools, it’s also ideal for speeding up video production. As an on-the-go editor, it’s easily accessible and includes AI-powered tools.


    • Starts at $7.99/month

    Best used for:

    • Extensive library of video effects and filters


    • AI-driven features like subtitling, facial recognition, and object tracking
    • No watermarks on the free version


    • Performance across devices may vary
    • Limited editing visibility on the app

    Fast-tracking the video creation process

    When it comes to creating engaging video content, using creativity, innovation, and smart use of AI will come a long way. Producing high-quality content at speed is crucial if you want to keep your channel or brand visible and relevant in today’s digital space. While challenging, it’s not impossible thanks to the strides AI has made in automating many of the more time-consuming tasks in the video creation process.

    There are many things you can do with an AI video editor that enables accessibility, content consistency, and the ability to iterate because of the speed with which you can create. It all depends on the kind of features and output you want to produce when choosing the software to work with.

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    AI’s Impact on Video Production: Efficiency and Quality Unleashed Thu, 02 Nov 2023 13:32:53 +0000

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an emerging game-changer in all aspects of business and life, revolutionizing how we do everything. Today, how we create, edit, and market our videos has some form of AI impact. 

    In this article, we’ll dive into artificial intelligence’s profound impact and understand why video producers and marketers should sit up and take notice. We’ll also look at ways you can use AI to make your video productions more efficient and high quality.

    AI’s Impact on Video Production

    The video production landscape’s shift due to AI is bringing an incredible boost in efficiency. AI-driven tools dramatically shorten the production cycle. What used to take hours, if not days, of meticulous editing, sound optimization, and fine-tuning takes a fraction of the time. This optimization allows video producers to focus on the art of storytelling.

    AI-powered video production isn’t just efficient. It’s also high quality. Algorithms can now upscale videos, correct off-tint colors, and even stabilize that shaky footage you thought was beyond salvage. The result you get most of the time is a final product that gives viewers a superior visual experience.

    Does My Brand Need More High-quality Videos? 

    Video content is a luxury for brand building and business today. But there are compelling reasons that should convince anyone that videos are crucial. Also, more videos with high-quality output are better in so many ways. 

    There are over 3.37 billion people worldwide who consume video content. This only shows that video as content is in high demand. You’ll need videos to reach more people and convert them into leads and customers. Additionally, utilizing an AI photo editor can significantly enhance the quality and visual appeal of your video content, ensuring it stands out in a crowded digital landscape.

    Unlike written content or still images, videos provide engagement beyond compare. You can add more emotion, urgency, and power to the stories you tell through video content. Explainer videos, for instance, tend to reach an audience that how-to articles or infographics will not penetrate.

    Do you need a video for your business? Do they need to be high-quality? The necessity is up for debate, but there’s no questioning that video content for your business in high volumes and output quality is beneficial. And AI can help you do that through the features and tips you can use AI discussed below.

    7 AI Features You Should Use in Video Production

    What can AI do in video production? Here are some features you should use in video production: 

    Automatic Video Editing

    The video editing process takes a lot of time and energy. But this process has now been streamlined by AI. Automatic video editing tools can analyze footage, identify the best shots, and stitch them together based on predefined criteria. If you’re unhappy about the output, you can refine it as needed.

    These systems use machine learning to recognize patterns, follow narrative structures, and even adhere to music beats. What you produce through this feature will look like any professionally crafted video. For producers, this means more focus on content creation and less on the nitty-gritty of editing.

    Color Correction

    Color correction and balance are time-consuming too, but it’s a non-negotiable. Your video footage’s color tones and themes make or break the whole video. AI algorithms now offer automatic color correction, analyzing footage to adjust hues, saturation, and brightness.

    AI ensures that the colors resonate with the intended emotion by understanding the mood and theme of the video. This saves time, guarantees consistency across different scenes, and enhances visual appeal.

    Sound Optimization

    Audio is a big part of the video content experience, especially for video content with explanations, dialogs, and soundtracks (which makes a good chunk of all marketing videos). Today, AI helps you make the audio refining process more efficient.

    AI-driven sound optimization tools can enhance voice clarity, reduce background noise, and balance audio levels, among many other things. They can even match soundtracks to the mood of the video or adjust the music’s tempo to fit scene transitions. For animation video software, you can even automatically sync dubs with animated characters in some tools.

    Animated Video

    Footage Stabilization

    Shaky footage can be distracting or annoying. In some cases, it can even be bad for people’s eyes. That’s why using AI algorithms to offer advanced stabilization techniques is a big game changer. 

    An AI tool with automatic stabilization will analyze each frame to correct unintended camera movements. Unlike traditional stabilization tools, AI-driven methods can achieve smoother results without cropping too much of the frame. This way, you can preserve the cinematographer’s original vision.

    Content Personalization

    Studies show that 69% of customers appreciate personalization as long as it’s from data they’ve shared openly. AI systems can also analyze viewer behaviors and preferences to customize video content in real time. 

    With AI, you can adjust ad placements, change the storyline based on viewer reactions, or suggest content. AI ensures each viewer feels like you tailor-made a piece of video content for them. That increases engagement and viewer loyalty.

    Predictive Analytics

    Understanding future content trends can be a game-changer for your video content. That’s why you should use AI-powered predictive analytics to delve into vast amounts of data to foresee viewer preferences, emerging trends, and potential viral content. 

    This means being proactive rather than reactive for video producers. AI can help you align your content with future demands and ensure it garners maximum attention.

    Automated Thumbnails and Metadata

    Your first impression matters, and thumbnails are pivotal in online video. AI can analyze a video, select the most engaging frame for a thumbnail, and even generate relevant metadata. 

    This will help you ensure that your video content continues to attract viewers and aligns with search algorithms. All this helps you drive more traffic and increase your brand’s visibility, retention, and preference.

    5 Tips When Using AI in Video Production

    While AI can be a game-changer, it cannot operate autonomously. What makes artificial intelligence powerful is your intuition and human touch. Remember these tips when using AI for video creation to have the best output possible.

    Understand the Tool, Don’t Just Use It

    AI in video production is powerful, but it’s essential to comprehend its functionalities and limitations. Without maximizing your video editing tools with AI features, you’re missing many chances to save time and improve your video output.

    It’s always best to dive deep into each feature, understand its nuances, and learn how to manipulate it for optimal results before fully rolling out a workflow for video production with AI applications. Think of AI as a co-editor or co-producer- the more you understand its strengths and weaknesses, the better you can collaborate.

    Don’t Lose the Human Touch

    While AI can streamline many processes, humans’ emotional and creative touch to storytelling is irreplaceable. This is especially true for video production, given how much storytelling and emotions determine your video’s effectiveness from a commercial or creative standpoint. 

    Nowadays, limiting AI’s use to handle repetitive tasks is best. You should ensure that the final decisions, especially those related to narrative and emotional resonance, come from a human being— you, your director, or the production team.

    Continuous Learning is Key

    Given how much it evolves, there’s no telling where AI will be. Hence, there has never been a time when continuous learning is critical. When using AI for video production, keep your eyes peeled for developments and changes.

    Just like someone pursuing a video game design degree must stay updated with the latest gaming technology, video producers must keep abreast of the latest AI tools and techniques advancements. Regularly updating your knowledge will ensure you harness AI’s full potential in video production.

    Prioritize Data Privacy

    Many AI tools, especially those related to content personalization and viewer analytics, rely on user data. As great as this integration can be, there could be serious data privacy implications when we’re not careful about using personal data in AI systems.

    To use AI and data responsibly, producers and video creators must ensure that data handling remains responsible across video production processes. Always adhere to privacy regulations and ethical standards. You should also remain transparent with viewers about data usage and prioritize their privacy.

    Test, Refine, Repeat

    AI algorithms thrive on data and feedback; your insights could help improve your video production tools. When implementing an AI feature, test it extensively. Gather feedback, understand where it excels and falls short, and refine your approach accordingly. Over time, this iterative process will lead to AI tools that are finely tuned to your specific production needs.

    Final Frame: Merging Tech and Tale in Video Production

    Fusing AI with video production is reshaping how we create and consume video content, and it seems the evolution hasn’t slowed down. AI applications will likely only accelerate as we increasingly understand their capabilities. 

    Given how AI developers and systems push the boundaries more and more, these days are an exhilarating time for video producers and marketers. But that’s not to say there won’t be naysayers who think AI is more a threat than a tool. 

    While technological advancements are profound, challenges will arise regarding human beings’ role in video editing in AI. There should be nothing to be afraid of if you learn to embrace these tools because the heart of storytelling remains human. 

    We need to merge AI’s efficiency with human creativity harmoniously. The more we do this, the more we stand at the cusp of a golden era in video production. Embrace the change, harness the potential, and let’s craft stories that resonate deeper and wider than ever before.

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