Steve AI Blog | AI Video Making Tips The Only AI tool for video making Fri, 28 Jun 2024 15:36:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 AI Marketing Tools That Revolutionize the Content Creation Process Wed, 26 Jun 2024 07:34:50 +0000 Marketing has always been about utilizing value-based content around your offerings that attracts, satisfies, and retains customers. This is why marketing heavily depends on high-quality content and deep marketing research—and guess who aces in both? That is right, artificial intelligence (AI).

AI marketing tools are software that use cutting-edge algorithms, data analytics, and machine learning to automate and optimize marketing processes. They can generate various forms of content and crunch large amounts of data to identify patterns and trends in the marketplace, boosting the efficiency and effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

Curious how to leverage AI marketing tools in your content creation process? Below, you can find out how AI can lighten your marketing team’s workload.

AI Marketing Tools for Content Creation   

Source: Image by Freepik

Marketing heavily relies on content creation, which helps people discover your brand and convert them into loyal customers. Content creation involves producing media for a particular audience. It comes in various forms:

–       Text-based content: Blogs 

–       Podcasts: Thought leadership

–       Videos: Product demos

–       Images: Infographics

–       Content offers: eBooks

This rigorous, iterative process includes researching your target audience, examining competitors, generating ideas, producing and optimizing content, promoting it, and analyzing its performance.

Manually handling each step is time-consuming and drains your marketing team’s creative juices. Luckily, marketing intelligence tools can assist with various tasks, bringing human creativity to heights and improving productivity.

AI Tools That Generate Visuals

High-quality AI image generators use algorithms to interpret detailed text prompts and create unique, on-brand visual content, including thumbnails, hero images, infographics, and banners. 

Simply provide a text prompt, choose from styles like vectors or cartoons, and specify the aspect ratio and resolution. Some even have app integrations that automatically generate images from polls and form responses. 

You can also use a background remover to incorporate images into new graphics. For instance, take a product image from a recent shoot, replace its background, or create a new post that matches your marketing campaign. 

The prowess of these AI marketing tools extends beyond subject extractions, though. Image enhancer tools can elevate your product pictures by boosting their quality and resolution and adding details and textures to boost their visual appeal.

AI tools are also available for video production. For instance, you can feed scripts that the tools can transform into reels with animated talking head avatars, delivering a powerful storytelling experience.

AI Tools That Improve Copy

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If you’re stuck in a creative rut, AI marketing tools can help by suggesting fresh ideas, topics, and new angles and perspectives to kickstart your writing process. Once you gain momentum, AI tools can fill your content pipeline by generating content briefs and outlines based on topic ideas and keywords. If outlines aren’t enough, AI can complete entire blogs and copy for your website, social media posts, and emails. 

You can also refine your writing by running them on AI tools that adjust your copy to meet your brand’s tone of voice and style. They also ensure your content is clear, readable, and free from grammatical errors and plagiarism. 

AI Tools That Boost Email Marketing

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Many AI marketing tools exist to help you scale your email marketing efforts. They analyze and segment your audience based on characteristics like online behavior and demographics and generate highly personalized email campaigns.

AI-powered analytics have features like A/B testing and tracking to optimize your campaigns based on what works better. Some tools use predictive models to identify the perfect time and day to send your email campaigns to each of your contacts, maximizing engagement. Meanwhile, email automations ride on your audience’s momentum and let you send targeted emails based on specific triggers, like abandoned carts and landing page visits.

AI Tools for SEO

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AI marketing tools can help optimize your content so it’s more likely to rank on SERPs and be in front of your desired audience. These SEO tools often feature keyword research, outline generation capabilities, and data analytics—so you can create optimized content that beats your competitors off SERPs. Some provide competitive analysis functionalities, allowing you to explore your competitors’ keywords and backlink profiles to identify content gaps and opportunities to outperform them.

Aside from on-page SEO, tools help with technical SEO and pinpoint technical issues like missing Alt tags and slow page speed. Meanwhile, others help with off-page SEO goals, like guest posts and backlink management. 

AI Tools for Social Media

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Social media is one of the most effective channels for building brand presence and engagement. AI tools often let you create captions, images, carousels, hashtags, and even generate compelling video content for your brand in a breeze. Other AI marketing tools for social media allow you to repurpose content, crafting new angles from your old posts or blending them with current trends. 

Managing multiple platforms is also easier with tools that connect all your social media accounts in a single interface. These let you track metrics, schedule posts, and even create tailored posts for specific channels (e.g., creating rapid-fire threads for X and professional insights and opinions for LinkedIn).

AI in marketing, particularly sophisticated algorithms and machine learning, can keep you updated on trends within your niche and audience, supplying you with captions and trending hashtags for maximum engagement and reach. Meanwhile, social listening and sentiment analysis features provide insights into how customers feel about your brand. For running ads, AI algorithms can also optimize your social media ad campaigns in real-time through advanced targeting.      

The Benefits of Marketing Tools

Over half of top marketing experts confirm their companies are already leveraging AI, and for good reason. Here are some of the benefits of using AI marketing tools for your brand:

  • Uncover valuable insights and predict trends: AI marketing tools sift through massive data to identify patterns in consumer behaviors and forecast future market trends. These give marketers actionable insights that help them refine their strategies for better engagement and conversion.
  • Optimize content creation process: AI tools streamline every part of the content creation process, eliminating repetitive tasks and ensuring your content is optimized to perform well and resonate with your target audience.
  • Create personalized and targeted campaigns: Marketing AI uses data analytics to analyze consumer data and user interactions to identify preferences and segment users into specific groups. This empowers marketers to craft highly personalized and targeted campaigns with better conversion chances. 


Looking to enhance one or more aspects of your content creation process? There’s an AI tool for that. Whether you’re whipping up content, making a few tweaks, or employing data-driven decisions, AI can improve your current marketing strategies, ensuring that each piece of content and decision you make for your brand leads to better engagement and conversions. 

With advanced algorithms and machine learning under its belt, AI taps leverage the wealth of consumer data and vast market information (even your competitors!) for your brand’s benefit, creating personalized campaigns that not only have conversion in mind but also ensure your audience feels seen, satisfied, and nurtured.

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5 Effective Strategies for L&D Teams to Keep Employees Hooked on Training Videos Tue, 25 Jun 2024 14:47:44 +0000 Does this seem familiar to you – you’re in the middle of a training session, it’s not even been 15 minutes, but you already feel employees disconnecting? 

If your answer is yes, you’re not alone. According to a study by Microsoft, the average adult attention span has shrunk to a shocking 8 seconds. 

Barney Stinson GIF


Disengaged employees not only have lower knowledge retention, but they’re also more likely to jump ship. This translates to wasted resources and a less skilled workforce.

The problem lies in traditional training methods that often rely on lengthy lectures and dense text-based materials. Let’s face it, if you’re still using old-school training methods in 2024, it’s a recipe for disaster.

But don’t worry, there’s a better way to make L&D training more than just a mandatory chore. Through engaging strategies that cater to different learning styles, you can keep employees hooked and actively learning.

In this blog, we’ll explore 5 effective tips to create engaging learning experiences. From bite-sized learning modules to training videos, we’ll show you how to ditch the disengagement and ignite a passion for learning within your workforce.

The Science of Engagement & The Pro Trainer Mindset

The Attention Challenge

Our brains are wired for a world of constant stimulation. The rapid rise of social media and short-form content has fundamentally changed how we consume information. 

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A productivity report found people now switch between tasks an average of 12 times per 30 minutes, highlighting the struggle for focus in today’s digital age. This presents a significant challenge for L&D professionals who rely on traditional training methods built for a different era of attention.

Active Learning & Spaced Repetition – The Keys to Engagement

Effective training relies on two key concepts: active learning and spaced repetition

Active learning, where participants engage with the material through discussions, activities, or problem-solving, boosts retention far more than passive lectures. 

Spaced repetition involves revisiting key concepts at increasing intervals. Think of it like strengthening a muscle through exercise.

Understanding the Learner

Effective L&D programs recognize that employees have diverse learning styles. 

Some learn best visually (videos, charts, diagrams) while others prefer auditory learning (discussions). Kinesthetic learners thrive through hands-on activities. By incorporating a multi-modal approach that caters to these variations, training becomes more engaging and resonates with a wider audience.

How to Develop a Pro Trainer Mindset?

A “pro trainer” prioritizes three key elements:

  • Engagement First: Keep participants actively involved throughout the program.
  • Learner Centricity: Understand the audience and tailor content to diverse learning styles.
  • Measurement & Improvements: Measure the effectiveness of the training and use data to continuously refine and improve.

Alright, lesson over! Let’s dive into how you can apply this knowledge into your training practices.

5 Actionable Ways to Keep Employees Hooked From Start to Finish

1. Incorporate Microlearning through Bite-Sized Modules 

Gone are the days of information overload. 

Benefits of microlearning

Today’s learners crave microlearning, a powerful strategy that breaks down lengthy and difficult to grasp topics into short, focused modules (text, audio, video). These bite-sized bursts of knowledge, ideally 5-10 minutes long, are easily digestible and readily accessible, making them perfect for our attention-challenged world.

Microlearning Tip: Chunk information strategically. Don’t overwhelm learners with a giant block of text. Break down the content into clear, concise segments with headings and visuals. 

Microlearning in Action:

  • Problem: New sales onboarding program is text-heavy and overwhelms trainees with technical product details.
  • Microlearning Solution: Create a series of short video modules, each focusing on a specific product feature. 

2. Embrace Gamification

Add some fun and friendly competition into your training programs! 

Gamification isn’t just for teenagers glued to their consoles. By incorporating game mechanics like points, badges, and leaderboards, you can transform dry content into an engaging learning experience for your employees. 

Think about it – you’d be more motivated to learn a new software program if you could earn points for completing modules and compete with colleagues!

Benefits of gamification

The Power of Play: Research from the University at Albany, published in 2022, shows that gamification can boost learner motivation by up to 40%. Healthy competition and the desire for recognition can significantly increase engagement and knowledge retention.

Gamification Beyond Video Games: The beauty of gamification lies in its versatility. You don’t need fancy video game graphics to make learning fun. Consider these ideas:

  • Points for completing training modules or quizzes.
  • Leaderboards to showcase top performers in a compliance course.
  • Interactive video case studies where learners make choices and earn points for successful outcomes.

3. Make the Most of Video Storytelling

Humans are suckers for a good story. 

They capture our attention, stir our emotions, and make information more relatable. A well-crafted employee training video can simplify complex topics, and make them easier to understand and remember.

key benefits of video-based learning


The Stats Speak for Themselves: According to a 2023 report by Cisco, online videos will make up 82% of all internet traffic by 2024. People lean towards visual content, and incorporating engaging videos into your training programs is a fool-proof way to boost engagement.

Storytelling in Action:

  • Problem: A company needs to train employees on a new cybersecurity protocol.
  • Video Solution: Create a short animated video that tells the story of a data breach, highlighting the consequences of poor security practices and showcasing the importance of the new protocol.

4. Craft a Multi-Modal Training Experience

Variety is the spice of life, and the same holds true for learning! 

Employees have different learning styles, and a one-size-fits-all approach simply won’t cut it. By incorporating a variety of training formats, you can cater to diverse learning preferences and keep things interesting. 

Here’s your toolkit:

Identify Your Audience: Before crafting your training, understand your learners’ demographics and preferred learning styles. Are they visual learners who thrive on videos and infographics? Do they prefer hands-on activities to solidify concepts?

types of learning styles

Mix and Match Formats: Don’t rely solely on lectures or text-heavy modules. Offer a blend of:

  • Videos: Ideal for visual learners and demonstrations.
  • Case Studies: Allow learners to analyze real-world scenarios.
  • Interactive Activities: Keep learners engaged with quizzes, polls, and exercises.
  • Hands-on Exercises: Offer opportunities for practical application.

5. Add Playfulness to Learning

Let’s face it, a little laughter goes a long way! 

Strategic use of humor can lighten the mood, boost your training video engagement, and make even dry topics more enjoyable. Wouldn’t you rather learn about compliance regulations with a chuckle than endure a monotonous lecture?

Here are some pointers to keep in mind:

Find Your Humor Sweet Spot: Humor should complement your learning objectives and company culture. Avoid offensive or insensitive jokes, and use humor that resonates with your audience.

Integrate Humor Seamlessly: Consider incorporating humor in various ways:

  • Well-placed jokes or anecdotes woven into your training content.
  • Funny images or visuals that are relevant to the topic (think relatable memes or cartoons).
  • Lighthearted video narration or storytelling elements that add a touch of whimsy.

Remember, humor is a powerful tool, but it should be used thoughtfully and strategically.

Putting these tips into action

Okay, let’s be real for a second. 

You’ve probably read all the similar articles – microlearning videos, gamification, storytelling – the training world throws around these buzzwords like confetti. 

But here’s the real challenge: How do I make this happen?

GIF saying 'i'm glad you adked that question'


When you’re an L&D pro juggling a million tasks with deadlines breathing down your neck, how do you transform those good ideas into reality?

This is where training gets seriously exciting. We’re talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI), and its potential to take your training to the next level.

Did you know you can use AI to turn Text to Video?

As an L&D professional, you must be sitting on a treasure trove of valuable training content – scripts, articles, manuals – just waiting to be used somehow. 

We’ve already established that in 2024, traditional training methods are too boring to keep anyone engaged. So, AI text-to-video tools like Steve AI are exactly what you need to automatically create informative L&D training videos from text. No fancy film sets or animation degree needed – just you, and a couple of minutes of your time.

Text to AI training videos

Why AI Text-to-Video Tools Are Your Best Option –

  • Super efficient: Production headaches are a thing of the past. AI handles the heavy lifting, freeing you to focus on crafting killer training content.
  • Even a rookie can do it: “Oh, but I don’t know anything about video making videos or editing”. What if we tell you that you don’t need to? Steve AI can generate videos in multiple formats and languages including English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish, ensuring your training is inclusive and borders don’t become barriers.
  • Doesn’t cost an arm and a leg: Hiring a video production team can be pricey. Steve AI, on the other hand, is a smart investment, delivering high-quality training materials without breaking the bank.
types of videos you can make with AI

How to Create Captivating Training Videos (in Minutes!)

If you’re tired of the old and want in with the new, here is how easy it is making training videos with Steve AI –

Step 1: Create an account and go to the Steve AI dashboard. Choose the type of video you want to create, whetherit’s text to animation, text to video, or talking heads style.

types of training videos

Step 2: Upload your topic of your training video and polish the auto-generated script to match your goals.

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Step 3: Pick a video template that aligns with your training content’s tone. You can also customize your video to be horizontal, vertical, or square.

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Step 4: Personalize your training video by swapping visuals or backgrounds on screen (only if you need it!) Remember to make it fun like we discussed easier. Review it before launch.

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Step 5: Download your finished piece in minutes and share the training videos with your employees! We offer a wide variety of video resolutions, so whether you need a mobile friendly 480p or 4K Ultra HD quality for the big screen, we got you!

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Don’t just take our word for it. Here’s a case study on how Steve’s Animation Videos Helped 2x Audience Engagement.

The future of L&D is here, and it’s powered by AI!

Forget stale training materials and resource constraints. 

Jimmy Fallon GIF - The Future is Here


By leveraging Steve AI, you can transform your existing training content into captivating and informative videos, all without the need for extensive production expertise.

This isn’t about replacing your expertise. Steve AI is here to assist, giving you freedom to perfect the content without worrying about the technical aspect. 

So, ditch the boring ways and make learning fun for you and your team. 

Ready to make your first video? Click here to get started with your first training video, or get in touch with our sales team for any queries.

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The Key to Successful Video Content – Impactful Descriptions Mon, 03 Jun 2024 20:41:32 +0000

You have been producing quality video content for a long time, but unfortunately, you’re not getting the limelight you deserve, right? Well, you may need to think out of the box and evaluate things thoroughly to devise new strategies to earn more organic views for your videos.The majority of successful video content creators regard descriptions as the most important thing. If you are ignoring them, it may be one of the reasons behind your videos not getting views.

In this blog post, we will talk about the significance of video descriptions and how you can produce impactful ones.

What is a Video Description? Why Do You Need to Pay Attention to It?

As its name suggests, a video description is the written text that explains the video in the best possible way. It may also include additional information not discussed in the video and have reference links or specific phrases to attract a potential audience. A professionally-written video description can prove beneficial in the following ways:

Defining Your Video

A description helps explain your video content to your viewers. It is also analyzed by the algorithms of the video platforms you’re using, which could be YouTube, Vimeo,Dailymotion, Vevo, etc. These algorithms check your description to categorize your video content accordingly. When you don’t have any description explaining your video, you are actually making it hard for these algorithms to define your videos. This may ultimately lead to reduced visibility.

Increasing Engagement

Descriptions can go a long way toward encouraging your viewers to share their views on the topic you’re covering. You can mention additional information sparking new debates, asking for their participation in the comment section. It will help you build an emotional connection with your target audience. Increased viewer engagement levels will give algorithms the impression that your content is helpful and informative.

Using SEO Phrases And Keywords

Unlike bloggers, vloggers have limited space to incorporate SEO-friendly keywords and phrases. They can only use ‘’SEO Wording’’ in their description section. So, descriptions provide you with an opportunity to increase your odds of getting seen or observed by your target audience.

Tips for Writing Effective Video Descriptions

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Now you are familiar with what video descriptions can do for you. However, producing influential descriptions isn’t a child’s play. You will need to put in extra effort to make your video description appealing and reader-friendly. Keeping this in mind, we have put together some useful tips that may be of help to you in crafting impressive video descriptions.

Research Properly And Avoid Keyword Stuffing

First off, don’t hesitate to spend some time researching the topic you’re covering. It will help you explore new aspects that your viewers may find interesting and informative. When your knowledge is accurate, you can write better. Your text shouldn’t look like a bunch of ‘’SEO wording.’’ Only add relevant SEO keywords and avoid using weird ones that don’t make any sense. You will need to maintain a balance so both search engines and readers find it helpful. Not only your viewers will find ‘’Excessive Use of SEO Keywords’’ unhelpful, but search engines also have a strict policy to curb content produced primarily for search engines. For instance, if your video content is about offering ‘’health tips for pet owners,’’ you may want to include the best possible information in the description while using related SEO keywords in an appropriate number. This will help you gather more organic views, improving your visibility in search engines. The internet is full of tools that can help you find the right keywords and phrases relevant to your topic. You may trust Google Trends, Ahrefs, Ubbersugest, and other such tools for your keyword research.

Be Concise

Stay away from adding too much irrelevant information and wording. No one likes to read lengthy stuff. Write your description in a way that is to the point and doesn’t miss any important information. There are many tools out there such as that can offer assistance in adding conciseness to your video description. All you need is to insert the description you think is unnecessarily lengthy into the tool and it will provide you with a concise version in no time.

Don’t Misguide Your Viewers

It has been observed that many video content creators make exaggerated claims in titles and descriptions to attract more views. But, this does more harm than good. Video platforms like YouTube regularly conduct surveys, asking its users to rate videos they have recently watched. If a video receives a lot of negative feedback from users, it means the video isn’t what it’s supposed to be. Such videos soon lose their ranking and visibility on the video-sharing platform. So, write only what makes sense, and there’s no need to add misleading information to create a false sensation. Although it may bring good results for a short time, you will be on the losing side in the end. So, refrain from clickbait titles and descriptions.

Include Relevant Links & CTAs

If you have 10 videos on the same topic, it’s perfectly fine to put links to your old videos in the description. It will help drive more viewers to your videos. They will have the perception that you have covered the topic comprehensively. You may also add other authority links to support your claims. When it comes to link placement, always put such links in the end. Using them at the start isn’t a good practice, as it might distract your followers. Last but not least, be sure to add some CTAs (Call-to-Actions) to encourage your viewers to like and comment on your video, and subscribe to your channel to continue receiving quality video content in the future.


We have discussed what descriptions can do to improve the online visibility of your video content. A well-crafted description can do wonders to increase your likelihood of being seen and noticed by the maximum number of people. By following the above tips, you can write impressive descriptions for your videos.

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How AI Talking Head Avatars are Pushing the Boundaries of Storytelling Tue, 21 May 2024 19:40:39 +0000 Bhuvanesh is a content writer who specializes in creating engaging and informative content technology and AI niche. He has a passion for writing and a flair for storytelling. He is always eager to learn new skills and explore new topics. You can find him playing badminton and travelling to new places in his free time.

Have you ever watched a video where an animated character is talking to the camera, explaining something, or sharing their opinion? These videos are “Animated Talking Head” videos, and they are very common on the internet. 

However, they also have some limitations, such as:

  • They require a lot of time and effort to produce, edit, and upload.
  • They may not appeal to everyone, especially if the speaker is not charismatic or relatable.
  • They may not be able to convey complex or abstract concepts effectively.

What if there was a way to create talking head videos that are more engaging, personalized, and creative? Well, there is, with the help of AI, you can create animated talking head videos with ease..

In this article, we will learn about the use of AI in animated talking head videos and explore their potential to transform the Learning and Development landscape.

Table of Contents:

  • What are AI animated talking head videos?
  • Examples of how AI animated talking head videos can be used
    • Educational insights with expert interviews
    • Behind-the-scenes company updates
    • Motivational and inspirational talks
    • Product reviews and demonstrations
    • Thought-provoking commentary on current events
    • Interactive Q&A sessions
  • Who can use animated talking head videos?
  • Conclusion

What are AI animated talking head videos?

An AI talking-head video is one where someone speaks directly into the camera. The person can be a subject matter expert, an interviewer, an interviewee, or a presenter. The goal of a talking-head video is to convey information, opinions, stories, or emotions to the viewers personally and intimately.

Animated talking head videos are becoming increasingly popular as a way to create engaging and personalized content. These videos use artificial intelligence (AI) to create realistic facial expressions and lip movements that are synchronized with a pre-recorded voice or text.

Talking-head videos can be used for various purposes, such as:

  • Explaining a topic or concept in detail
  • Interviewing someone or sharing their testimonial
  • Updating your team, customers, or stakeholders on your company’s progress
  • Reviewing a product or service
  • Prospecting or following up with sales leads
  • Teaching or training your audience on a skill or knowledge

With Steve AI, you can create engaging AI talking head videos quickly and easily, especially for those who don’t have the resources for more complex video productions. Steve AI offers a large library of over 400 pre-built AI avatars you can choose from. These avatars come in various styles and can be selected to match the tone of your video. Check out the various templates to make an animated talking head video.

Examples of how AI animated talking head videos can be used

  1. Educational insights with expert interviews

Here experts in a specific field share their knowledge and insights through interviews. The format involves a host or interviewer asking thought-provoking questions, while the expert provides detailed explanations. The video content is educational and aims to provide valuable information to the audience.

AI Talking Head Video

Visual aids such as charts, graphs, or relevant images add value to the learning experience. This format is effective for industries such as technology, science, or business, where in-depth knowledge is valuable.

  1. Behind-the-scenes company updates

Companies use talking-head videos to share behind-the-scenes glimpses into their operations, fostering transparency and connection with their audience. Executives or key team members may discuss recent developments, future plans, or share success stories.

This type of video humanizes the brand and builds trust by allowing viewers to see the faces behind the organization. Incorporating footage of the workspace, team collaboration, and even casual interactions can make the content more engaging and relatable.

Check the below video on how to create training videos for your organization.

  1. Motivational and inspirational talks

Talking-head videos featuring motivational speakers or thought leaders deliver inspiring messages to the audience. Speakers use their personal experiences, anecdotes, and wisdom to motivate viewers to overcome challenges or pursue their goals.

The format often includes dynamic camera work, expressive gestures, and a compelling narrative to captivate the audience. This type of video is popular in self-help and personal development niches, creating an emotional connection with viewers seeking encouragement.

  1. Product reviews and demonstrations

Influencers or experts in a particular industry create talking-head videos to review and demonstrate products or services. The presenter shares their first-hand experience with the product, highlighting features, benefits, and potential drawbacks.

Product Demonstration Video

Visual elements, such as close-ups of the product or live demonstrations, make the content informative and engaging. Viewers trust these reviews as they come from real users, influencing purchasing decisions and providing valuable insights for potential buyers.

  1. Thought-provoking commentary on current events

Talking-head videos can be used to provide commentary on current events, offering insights, analysis, and opinions. Commentators discuss relevant topics, sharing their perspectives on news, cultural phenomena, or societal trends. 

Engaging visuals, graphics, or relevant footage can enhance the audience’s understanding of the discussed subjects. This format is popular in journalism, politics, or social commentary, allowing content creators to express their opinions and engage with viewers.

  1. Interactive Q&A sessions

Content creators engage with their audience through talking-head videos by hosting interactive Q&A sessions. Viewers submit questions, and the presenter addresses them, creating a direct and personal connection. The format allows for spontaneity, making the video more dynamic and relatable.

Incorporating graphics or text to display the questions on-screen can enhance viewer engagement. This type of video fosters a sense of community, as viewers feel involved in the content creation process and connect with the creator on a personal level.

Who can use animated talking head videos?

Animated talking head videos are not only for celebrities or professionals. Anyone can use them to create amazing content for their audiences. 

  • Educators 
  • YouTubers 
  • Businesses 
  • Marketers, 

Even shy public figures can use these engaging avatars to deliver lectures, explain products, or share their stories with the world. Animated talking head videos are a game-changer for anyone with a message to convey. 

How to create talking head videos with Steve AI: A step-by-step guide

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown to get you started:

Step 1: Head over to Steve AI dashboard and choose ‘Talking head video’

Animated Talking Head Video

Step 2: Next, write your script or let AI create one based on your prompt.

AI Video Scripting

Step 3: Get creative! Explore our template library to find the perfect look for your video

Talking Head Video Templates

Once you select the template, Steve AI provides a variety of talking head characters. Choose the character of your choice. 

AI Animated Character

Step 4: All done! Your video is ready in just minutes. Now get creative! You can:

  • Add smooth transitions between clips
  • Adjust colors for a unique look
  • Include your logo for branding
  • Change the background for a variety
  • Swap out avatars for personalization

And that’s not all! 

Explore a range of other features to make your video truly your own. Once you’re happy with your edits, simply click “Publish” to share it.

AI Animation

Step 5: Our video is finished processing and ready to download. We offer a variety of resolutions, from mobile-friendly 480p all the way up to crystal-clear 4K Ultra HD. Download the format that best suits your needs and share the video with your audience!

Animated Talking Head Video

Steve AI makes creating professional-looking videos a breeze.  

AI talking head videos have a huge potential for various sectors, such as education, marketing, entertainment, and more.

We use AI to tailor the appearance and message to your specific needs. Put a face to your brand and connect with viewers on a deeper level.

Ready to jump in? Go to Steve AI and create your first video.

Get in touch with our product experts for any queries.

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What’s new in Steve AI? – May 2024 update Tue, 21 May 2024 03:39:43 +0000 Bhuvanesh is a content writer who specializes in creating engaging and informative content technology and AI niche. He has a passion for writing and a flair for storytelling. He is always eager to learn new skills and explore new topics. You can find him playing badminton and travelling to new places in his free time.

Steve AI has long been a game-changer for anyone who wants to create professional-quality animated videos without needing a hefty budget or animation expertise. But Steve AI 2.0 takes things to a whole new level.

We’ve been busy bees at Steve AI, with the recent rollout of Steve AI 2.0, users have been treated to a suite of enhancements that redefine the boundaries of creative video production. This isn’t just a simple update – it’s a complete transformation.

Let’s dive deeper and explore the exciting new features that empower you to tell your stories in a whole new way.

Introducing Multiple Characters

One of the most exciting additions in Steve AI 2.0 is the ability to incorporate multiple characters into your videos. 

Imagine creating explainer videos where a presenter and a student have a conversation, or product demos where different characters can be added to showcase different features.  This back-and-forth format not only clarifies information but also adds personality and keeps viewers glued to the screen.

Once you have created the video, click the “Add” option as shown below and check the character library.

Animated Characters

There are 400+ avatars in Steve AI library, you can choose whatever you like.

Steve AI Animated Characters

Adding characters brighten up the video, allowing you to:

  • YouTube intros & outros: Create personalized intros and outros featuring your brand mascot or a friendly character welcoming viewers.

Check the below video on how to change background and add characters/properties.

  • Role-playing scenarios: Develop realistic role-playing simulations for training or educational purposes using a diverse cast of characters.
  • Microlearning modules: Develop bite-sized learning modules with characters explaining concepts in different environments. If you want to learn about how to create bite-sized videos, check here.
  • Conversational videos: Create engaging interview-style videos with various characters asking and answering questions.
  • Showcase products with diverse personalities: Imagine creating product demos featuring different characters, each representing a unique customer segment.
  • Explainer videos: Craft engaging explainer videos in a question-and-answer format, using different characters to pose questions and provide answers.
  • Develop interactive tutorials: Create interactive tutorials with a helpful guide by adding different characters leading viewers through the process.
  • Comparison videos: Create compelling product comparison videos featuring various characters representing different brands.
  • Educate and entertain: Design educational videos with a diverse cast of characters representing different audiences, making learning fun and relatable.
  • Bring stories to life: Build captivating short stories with a rich cast of cartoon characters.
  • Introduce your mascot: Give your brand a personality by incorporating a mascot into your videos.
  • Personalize your videos: Create unique and personalized videos with characters tailored to your specific customers.

Check out this and learn how to add characters to a video.

Add properties feature

Steve AI 2.0 another latest addition is the “Add properties” feature. With this feature, you can add various properties to a particular scene or throughout the video.

Imagine being able to easily add things like furniture to a room, characters to a conversation, or special effects like weather or explosions – all directly within the Steve AI interface. This opens up a world of creative possibilities for making your videos more engaging and visually dynamic.

All you have to do is click the ‘Properties’ option in the video as shown below. 

Animation Properties

Choose from a variety of properties in the Steve AI library..

Steve AI properties library

With the “Add Properties” feature, you can:

  • Express yourself clearly: Add properties relevant to character expressions, allowing you to convey emotions with exceptional accuracy.
  • Brand recognition made easy: Incorporate properties specific to different company logos, ensuring perfect brand representation.
  • Visual effects magic: Apply visual effects by adding properties, creating stunning and impactful outputs.
  • Match your brand identity: Experiment with different properties to achieve a visual style that perfectly aligns with your brand.

Check out this and learn how to add properties to a video.

Change video backdrop feature

The all-new “Change Background” feature in Steve AI enables you to create dynamic and visually engaging videos by customizing the backdrops. 

Swap out mundane backgrounds for stunning landscapes, eye-catching graphics, or even themed environments. No more green screens or complex editing techniques.

All you have to do is click the image in the scene and go to the ‘Change background’ option in the video as shown below. 

AI Background change

Choose from a variety of backgrounds in the Steve AI library or you can upload your own image and add it to the background.

Steve AI Video Backgrounds

This opens doors to exciting possibilities, including:

  • YouTube end screens: Design eye-catching YouTube end screens with dynamic backgrounds that complement your video content.
  • Product demos in action: Showcase products in various use-case scenarios by changing the background and incorporating characters demonstrating the product.
  • Virtual tours: Take your viewers on a captivating virtual journey by transporting them to various locations through background customization.
  • Seamless scene transitions: Create smooth and professional transitions between scenes by using diverse backgrounds.
  • Set the mood: Create a specific atmosphere for your video by selecting a background that complements your message.
  • Travel through time: Immerse your viewers in historical settings for educational or documentary videos.
  • Futuristic visions: Place your characters in futuristic environments, perfect for science fiction or technology-themed videos.
  • Explainer videos with context: Personalize explainer videos with custom backgrounds relevant to the topic at hand.
  • Product launches: Create product launch videos showcasing your product in use with captivating background settings.
  • Social media: Create stop-scrolling social media content with eye-catching and engaging backgrounds.

Check out this video and learn how to change the background in a video.

Dive into Steve AI 2.0 Today!

Whether you’re a seasoned creator or just beginning your content creation adventure, now is the time to explore the vast potential of Steve AI.

We’re incredibly excited about the potential that Steve AI 2.0 presents for our users. With the power of multiple characters, customizable properties, and dynamic background controls, you have everything you need to create truly exceptional animated videos.

For further guidance, check out our resources and tutorials, and don’t hesitate to reach out for support

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The Rise of Microlearning in Enterprises: Bite-Sized Learning for Big Results Tue, 07 May 2024 14:23:40 +0000 Bhuvanesh is a content writer who specializes in creating engaging and informative content technology and AI niche. He has a passion for writing and a flair for storytelling. He is always eager to learn new skills and explore new topics. You can find him playing badminton and travelling to new places in his free time.

Developing a skilled and knowledgeable workforce is essential for any company’s success. However, traditional corporate training methods often face significant challenges. Lengthy classroom sessions can be tedious, fitting training into busy schedules is a constant struggle, and bombarding employees with information overload leads to poor retention.

This is where microlearning comes in as a powerful solution. Microlearning delivers bite-sized, focused learning modules that are engaging and easily digestible. This approach offers a multitude of benefits, including improved knowledge retention, increased accessibility, and boosted employee engagement.

But what makes microlearning particularly well-suited for corporate training, especially for large enterprises? 

Let’s explore the key characteristics that contribute to its growing importance:

What is Microlearning?

Microlearning is an innovative approach to corporate training that delivers focused learning of information in short, easily digestible modules. These modules typically range from a few minutes to around 15 minutes and target specific learning objectives or skills. Unlike traditional training methods, microlearning is:

  • Focused: Each module tackles a single, well-defined topic.
  • Accessible: Microlearning content can be accessed anytime, anywhere, on any device.
  • Engaging: Interactive elements and multimedia keep learners interested.

One of the most popular forms of microlearning is microlearning videos. These short, engaging videos are ideal for delivering training content, product walkthroughs, or knowledge nuggets to employees in a digestible and visually appealing manner.

Microlearning videos are a popular format for these bite-sized lessons. Microlearning videos can be animation, narration, or even live-action to present information in a short and engaging way. 

Microlearning in enterprise

  • Companies use microlearning videos to onboard new employees, deliver regular skill training, and keep employees updated on new procedures.
  • Microlearning modules can be easily integrated into existing workflows.

Imagine a quick explainer video on a new software feature, a step-by-step process visually demonstrated, or a customer testimonial highlighting a product benefit – all within a few minutes.

This is where Steve AI comes in. Steve AI is a platform that enables anyone to create professional-looking microlearning videos. You can choose from pre-designed templates, write your script, or let AI generate a script for you, and Steve AI will transform it into a video with narration, visuals, and even AI avatars.  No fancy video editing skills are required! 

Why microlearning wins over regular training methods

Traditional training can feel like a marathon – long, tiring, and forgettable. Microlearning videos offers a smarter approach, delivering knowledge in bite-sized chunks that are:

According to a study by Brandon Hall group, training durations can be cut by up to 60% without compromising learning effectiveness. This is crucial as employees have only about 4.8 minutes per day available for learning and development activities.

Here’s why microlearning deserves a spot in your training toolbox:

  1. Focused learning

 Microlearning targets specific skills or knowledge, ensuring learners grasp exactly what they need when they need it

  1. Perfect for busy schedules

 Today’s learners are on the go. Microlearning modules can be completed in minutes, fitting perfectly into busy schedules.

  1. Always available

 No need to block out calendar time. Microlearning content is readily accessible, allowing learners to access it anywhere and anytime.

  1. Boosts engagement

 Interactive formats like videos, games, and quizzes keep learners interested and motivated.

  1. Cost-effective to scale 

Developing and deploying microlearning is faster and cheaper than traditional training. This makes it ideal for large-scale training initiatives.

Challenges in creating microlearning training videos

Microlearning videos offer a powerful approach to delivering bite-sized knowledge. However, creating microlearning training videos presents unique challenges:

  • Maintaining coherence and flow 

Breaking down complex topics into short videos can create a disjointed learning experience.  The challenge lies in ensuring a logical flow of information across multiple modules, providing a clear learning path for the learner.

  • Engaging in short videos

Microlearning content, by definition, has limited time to capture attention and deliver value.  The challenge is to design engaging and interactive activities within these constraints, keeping learners motivated and actively participating in the learning process.

  • Alignment with broader goals

 Microlearning shouldn’t exist in a silo.  The challenge lies in ensuring each microlearning module aligns with and contributes to the broader learning objectives and overall training goals.

  • Measuring impact

 Demonstrating the effectiveness of microlearning initiatives can be tricky.  The challenge is to develop methods to accurately measure the impact of these short learning bursts on knowledge retention, skill application, and overall performance improvement.

Now we will delve into the various methods and best practices for evaluating the impact of microlearning, providing a comprehensive overview of how organizations can assess its effectiveness and align it with their broader learning and development objectives.

Measuring the impact of microlearning videos


Microlearning’s strength lies in its ability to deliver focused knowledge in a short format. But how do you know if these bite-sized video lessons are translating into actual learning and improved performance? 

Here’s a look at key methods to measure the impact of microlearning:

1. Engagement Metrics:

  • Completion rates: This is a basic indicator of whether learners are finishing the microlearning modules. Low completion rates might suggest the video content is too difficult, uninteresting, or inaccessible.
  • Time spent: While microlearning is short, analyze if learners are spending an adequate amount of time to absorb the information. Extremely fast completion rates could indicate skimming, while very slow times might point to confusion.

2. Assessing Knowledge:

  • Assessments: Embed quizzes, games, or interactive elements within the microlearning modules to test knowledge acquisition immediately.
  • Pre-and Post-Tests: Conduct assessments before and after the microlearning program to gauge knowledge improvement.

3. Learner and Stakeholder Feedback:

  • Surveys: Use surveys to gather learner feedback on the content, delivery format, and overall effectiveness of the microlearning program.
Steve AI Feedback
  • Focus Groups: Conduct focus groups with learners and stakeholders to gain in-depth insights into the program’s strengths and weaknesses.

4. Business Impact Metrics:

  • Performance: Track key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to the microlearning’s objective. For example, if the focus was on customer service skills, monitor customer satisfaction scores.
  • Productivity: Analyze if there’s an improvement in task completion times or output quality after the microlearning intervention.
  • Sales: If the microlearning is aimed at improving sales techniques, monitor sales figures to see if there’s a positive impact.

By combining these methods, you can get a comprehensive picture of how effectively your microlearning videos are achieving their goals. Remember, the chosen metrics will depend on the specific learning objectives of your microlearning video.

Microlearning examples in corporate training

1. Short video tutorials:

  • Product Training: A series of short explainer videos demonstrating key features and functionalities of a new software or product.
  • Soft Skills Training: Micro-lectures on topics like communication, conflict resolution, and time management, delivered by experts in engaging formats.

2. Infographics:

  • Safety Guidelines: Visually appealing infographics outlining safety protocols for specific tasks or equipment.
  • Company Policies and Procedures: Clear and concise infographic summaries of key company policies like vacation time or expense reimbursement.

3. Interactive Simulations (Sales Training):

  • Compliance Training Quizzes: Gamified quizzes that test knowledge of compliance regulations in a fun and interactive way.
  • Sales Training Simulations: Role-playing simulations where trainees practice sales pitches and objection handling in interactive scenarios.

4. Video-Based Learning:

  • How-To Guides: Step-by-step video guides demonstrating procedures like resetting a password or using a new printer.
  • Product Demonstrations: Short product demos showcasing the benefits and applications of a new product line.

5. Software Training/How-To Guides:

  • Bite-Sized Feature Videos: Short explainer videos focusing on specific functionalities within a software program or a product.

  • Interactive Screencasts: Screen recordings with voice-over that walk users through specific software tasks.

Bonus Tips for Creating Engaging Microlearning Videos

Here’s how you can take microlearning videos from good to great. Here are some bonus tips that will keep your learners engaged and coming back for more.

  1. Use a storytelling approach  

People connect with stories.  Craft a narrative that weaves in your learning objectives in a relatable way. This will not only capture your audience’s attention but also make the information more memorable.

  1. Keep videos short

Microlearning is all about concise delivery. Aim for videos that are between 1-5 minutes long. This ensures learners can stay focused and absorb the information easily.

  1. Visuals Effectively 

Visuals are powerful tools for enhancing engagement and knowledge retention.  Incorporate images, infographics, animations, or even short video clips to illustrate your points.

  1. Optimize for mobile and on-the-go learning

 Many learners will be consuming your videos on their smartphones or tablets. Ensure your videos are formatted correctly and render well on these devices.

How to create high-impact microlearning training videos with Steve AI

To sum up, microlearning’s flexibility allows for targeted training on specific skills and its brief nature makes it ideal for corporate professionals. 

By incorporating microlearning into corporate training programs, organizations can ensure their workforce has the skills they need to succeed.

With an AI tool like ​​Steve AI, you can create microlearning videos that are informative, engaging, and leave a lasting impact on your learners.

Here’s what Steve AI can do for you:

  • Focus on content, not editing: Steve AI handles the video creation, allowing you to script your message and let the platform do the rest.
  • Save time and resources: Forget expensive, time-consuming video production. Steve AI simplifies the process.
  • Create a variety of microlearning content: Explainer videos, step-by-step guides, and interactive quizzes are some of the popular microlearning module types that can be created with Steve AI 

From “Product knowledge for sales team” to “Company culture: A day in the life” videos, you can create a diverse set of videos with Steve AI

Ready to get started?

Here’s how you can create a microlearning video with Steve AI

Step 1: Go to Steve AI dashboard, you can choose any of the following based on your needs:

Text to GenAI video: This is a great option for creating narrated explainer videos with a human-like presenter. Example:  Break down how a new software program works for your employees.

Text to animation: Ideal for simplifying complex topics or procedures. For example, animation suits the Company policy microlearning module. Example: Showcase sales growth over the past quarter for your team.

Text to video: This feature uses live-action footage to create a video. This is a versatile option for product demos, training materials, or customer FAQs.  Example:  Create a quick tutorial on how to use a new feature on your company’s website.

Talking head video: You can record yourself on camera or use a talking head avatar to deliver the content. Example: Record a company update directly from the CEO.

Blog or voice to video: Convert existing blog content or a voice recording into a video. Example: Convert a popular blog post into a video for your social media channels.

All the above features can be used to create a microlearning video.

OQFN dcrllXxlxMJ8CHbi tBhEG4moBODP0k9pZozviWEGwEojWH9kNxUY1HdmB6RJJzR6uIQZXvryECNT7QxqEjrA9JdLCgOVrMocCy53iCfQLJj3bDZGEfaS ZsW Zor9MJgZGf9EoRjWqD6YYCs

Step 2: In the next step, you need to enter your script or you can use AI to generate a script for you just by entering a prompt. Here I chose “Micro-lectures on topics like communication”

tpZw IwQX31ifp7nwKpZexnp8RDCny6dIm Z5TiyKSEekKhJ9xW90mStjKQLeJ4RbFyQgm7maD c3kGtqaY8ZTpZf7mdJHB af NiKmmOpXmZg2kMeA2S9lKW4Bg5mQkmXuG0g9kCmaOApVj5JcvqA

The generated script by AI is shown below:

PK4RVkiNlUWVS45x1BWj54NlPpEvsGXAP0t3VMHDmEoAy0dpomqJ5rNJNz9sDA2V4z wNgmM6nWmEUNvdv055Hwpg03KiuyhGnFz4pV1ZRc LPynOM15t

Step 3: Here you can choose the template style for your video. You can play around and see which template you like.

dwQJK5UXPppxrP73Z1pwByQcj8 S7blePsHW5B3p

Step 4: Your video is now ready, created in a few minutes. Now you can customize your video by adding transitions, changing color, adding logo, creating different backgrounds, changing the avatars and there are many other features which you can explore and try it out. Once you have edited the video, click “Publish”.

mHY0Vc2uwOEl5dua3V GI vGWUGbMEQKZQDw3UukApNLDpjblOaukHcHJ UvV5jOh9jcpFhLGk pIMkNiw8HO2VsST ORSAwcizeZdff8CN

Step 5: Voila, your video is now ready for download. From 480p videos for your mobile to 4K ultra HD 2160p resolution, we have it all. Download your preferred format and share it with your audience.

See, just like that, you can create a video with Steve AI without breaking a sweat.

Steve AI helps create high-quality, bite-sized video content that’s tailored to your specific needs. 

Ready to jump in? Go to Steve AI and create your first microlearning video.

Get in touch with our product experts for any queries.

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How AI Generated Video is Revolutionizing Customer Experience Thu, 11 Apr 2024 11:48:56 +0000 A marketing aficionado, Krishanu is a content marketer at Uniqode and an ardent follower of all things marketing. As a sports enthusiast, you can find him following his favorite club, Chelsea, on weekends. Krishanu loves to write and spread the word on the latest innovations related to tech and beyond.

A day in the life of a B2B marketing team looks something like this 👇

Sales teams are waiting for personalized product demos to win over leads. Marketing teams are looking forward to personalized videos for ad campaigns, and customer success teams are seeking explainer videos to make onboarding a breeze. 

The end goal is to personalize the customer experience. 

But they often rely on one video editor to do it all, resulting in chaos everywhere. 

This is where AI-generated video editors come into play.

AI-generated videos offer customers creative visual stories tailored to their unique needs. You can have everything from product demos and tutorials to personalized recommendations with voiceovers and animation.  

This article tells you how to make the most of AI-generated videos to enhance customer experience. 

Why should you Explore AI-generated Videos

Video marketing is the future because, guess what, most Gen-Z users approach it this way: Why read when I can watch? 

According to Databox, a video ad gets 2x clicks compared to images. Videos capture the audience’s attention longer than images. 

AI video generators have redefined video creation. A few days ago, marketers, sales professionals, and product marketers had to rely on video creation agencies for bulk video generation. But with AI video editors, anyone can generate high-quality videos at scale without any external assistance. 

Here’s why you must explore AI video generators:  

  • Personalization

At the core of AI-generated videos are algorithms that analyze massive data volumes, including audience demographics, interests, buying patterns, browsing history, and social media activities. AI systems use user data to create videos that speak directly to the target audiences, resulting in increased engagement, click-through rates, conversions, and retention.

Imagine an eCommerce platform using AI-generated videos to personalize product recommendations. Customers browsing for laptops would receive videos showcasing different models based on their browsing history. This personalized approach directly speaks to the viewer, boosting engagement and the likelihood of purchase. According to ecommerce trends, the scope of  AI is video and beyond, as it helps customers by showing videos and providing an overall automated personalized shopping experience.

  • Cost-effectiveness

Creating AI-generated videos for customers requires minimum human intervention and fewer resources than traditional video production methods. This method significantly saves time and reduces production costs. 

For instance, you are a marketing agency, and your campaign requires personalized service-based videos for different customer groups. Instead of spending your dollars and time filming and editing videos, you can quickly generate bulk videos with AI that focus on your specific services based on customer data and interests.

  • Multiple applications

AI-generated videos can be used across different industries. For example, e-commerce businesses like Amazon can use personalized AI videos to highlight products based on customer interests and purchase history. 

Similarly, educational platforms like Coursera use AI-generated videos to provide personalized lectures and tutorials, catering to individual learning styles. On the other hand, finance companies like Wealthfront use AI to create customized summaries of user’s financial accounts, offering investment recommendations. 

5 Ways to Use AI-generated Videos in Improving Customer Experience

AI-generated videos enhance your omnichannel marketing strategy, ensuring it chimes with your target group. 

Here are a few ways to use AI-generated videos in different forms to improve the customer-facing side of things.

  • Product tutorials with voiceovers 

One of the best uses of AI-generated videos is to create product tutorials with voiceovers that show the product or a specific feature in action. 

Create engaging product videos with high-quality graphics and music assets that are easily customizable and have plenty of collaboration options to educate your end users about your product and its specific use cases.  

One great onboarding example is how Asana leverages AI-generated videos for customer onboarding. The project management platform uses comprehensive tutorials to break down its features, taking the users through a step-by-step process for using Asana. The video features an AI presenter, making it more interactive and engaging.

  • Marketing videos

AI-generated marketing videos enriched with graphics and music assets skyrocket your customer engagement. You can use these videos across your email marketing campaigns, landing pages, social media, and other digital to increase user engagement, click-through rates, and conversions. 

Tools like help brands stand out with creative marketing videos regardless of your video-making or editing skills. The platform offers easy-to-customize 1000+ templates that can hook your viewers quickly with story-driven marketing videos. 

VYh2YxoBFY0Ds bsmaJD1xIhsMxJ8UuqP7K7dlLToLEWo 5HU52 fBB3zHEKA5beeFyZSm6OTi1yc 4u dkFaFE1abJiv1DXz3Z7 P9akx1pzMIVMJIwZk0yLaynoy cZdcwE81QCL s4KiH snANc
  • Repurpose your content to reach multiple channels 

Why let your content go stale on the website when you can repurpose it easily? 

Convert your blogs and other long-form text content into live videos to generate bite-sized videos in minutes. Then, to gain maximum visibility, distribute them across multiple channels, be it Instagram as reels, YouTube as shorts, or TikTok. 

Additionally, consider using targeted ads on PPC platforms, ad networks, and connected TVs to further extend your reach and ensure your content gets the attention it deserves.

  • Product demos

In sales calls, you have two different options: either explain a lot about your product or show what your product is capable of with a product demo video. An AI product video maker highlights the most relevant features and use cases for individual clients based on their job titles, industry, and unique business needs. 

  • Quick animation videos to engage your audiences

Animation videos are ideal for explaining a complicated topic to your end users in seconds. An AI text to animation tool helps you create animated videos from scripts even though you don’t have professional animation skills. 

These tools come with 100+ animated characters and a robust AI engine that understands the intent of a context and generates engaging animated videos. 

NXgAHeJR8iy8thipn 5Ax0vc4mKArTS3v GCgBEPRZYCObjEcPe9EsoZpnJm284M0RlImkNNAr6ClEWRaxxzqBIOH1zxhbQq e6B2FQdZIKVbtzSEVdaZQwM 1XPW587NNGqy3DnlOtLkWWPp2zPX7M

💡Pro Tip: You can easily create a learning center for your existing and potential customers on the website. Use these places to store all animated product videos to help your audiences learn everything about the products and their features. 

To make the learning center accessible to a wide range of users, generate a QR Code for this page using a QR Code generator and paste the QR Code across all your sales and marketing collaterals like campaign creatives, digital cards, event posters, and social platforms. 

Challenges of AI-generated Videos

While AI-generated videos save time and reduce cost, a few challenges come with AI videos. However, once you understand these limitations, you can improvise.

  • No human touch

The content might seem robotic for people on the receiving end of AI videos. According to a few Reddit users, it’s ‘disappointing and disheartening’ to watch videos with ‘robotic soul-less content.’ While the videos might be informative, the audience fails to connect to the video due to the lack of human elements. As a result, the likelihood of viewers churning increases.

Manual editing is crucial to overcome this limitation of AI-generated videos. Your expert editing team can add a human touch to AI-generated videos using voiceovers, transitions, etc., to improve the video quality and appeal.

  • Technical issues

When creating AI videos, optimize them for different platforms before publishing, as technical issues in the videos might significantly impact viewer experience and engagement. For example, if your AI-generated video has synchronization issues where the audio doesn’t match the video, it might frustrate viewers, leading them to abandon the video halfway. Implement proper support solutions for your AI videos to prevent technical issues.

  • Low quality

Posting only AI-generated videos over time may lead to repetitive and low-quality video content that lacks creativity. For example, if your potential customer receives an AI product video with poor audio and pixelated visuals, they will most likely disengage, reducing the chances of conversion. So, supporting your AI-generated videos with high-quality footage is critical to ensure perfect visuals and audio.

The next steps

AI generated videos in customer service are transforming and will continue to transform how businesses interact with their customers. So, if you can overcome the challenges of AI generated videos, the future looks bright for you.

Start elevating your customer service using the show, don’t tell technique with’s AI video generator platform. Sign up to see how the platform works!

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AI Creates Compelling Product Videos in Minutes for E-commerce Stores Tue, 09 Apr 2024 12:35:15 +0000

The inception of AI has drastically changed various industries. 84% of customers say they bought products or opted for services after watching brand videos. Thus, the demand for product videos in the e-commerce industry is increasing. 

Brands can only succeed or build trust with compelling product marketing videos. It envisages an engaging and dynamic interaction with the products, elevating their shopping experience and advancing conversion rates. 91% of businesses use video as their marketing tool.

Wondering how to create a compelling video within a few minutes? 

AI can help you to do this. Tools like automated video editing algorithms and virtual product visualization can help you generate high-quality product videos. 

Scroll below to learn how AI enables you to create compelling product videos in minutes for e-commerce stores: 

Product Video for e-commerce

Understand the importance of Product Videos in E-commerce

Video marketing improves brand awareness for 95% of businesses, helping to create lasting impressions in the minds of your audience. But what is a product video? It’s a video showing an animated representation of products. With the help of this video, marketers try to educate customers about the product, quality, features, benefits, etc. 

It is of varied types, such as 

You can even collect product pictures from AI image generation tools and collectively produce a video using AI tools. Below know how important it is for e-commerce marketers: 

Build Trust 

Online shopping is solely based on building trust. Online shoppers are concerned about product quality and want to ensure it meets their expectations. Here, product videos play a crucial role. They help reduce their doubts and build trust in product quality. They also make visitors more comfortable trusting your site and aid you in building credibility. 

Remember, the more you win people’s hearts, the more you sell. some app development companies have successfully built AI video-making apps. You can choose wisely to generate videos in minutes. 

Google Gives Priority to Videos 

For the majority of searches, Google displays videos. Thus, product videos will help you appear in Google’s videos section. An appropriate SEO-friendly title, description, keywords, website link, etc., will boost your chances of ranking in the search engine. Similarly utilizing SEO for lead generation through video content is essential for increasing visibility and attracting potential customers.

The research shows that marketers who include videos on their websites receive 41% more traffic from search results if they don’t get apps that align with their brand’s personality. Then, app development companies can help you produce the one that eases your video-making process.  

Engage Customers 

The other significant benefit of the product video is that it helps keep customers engaged. Today, customers find reading all the information or product details tedious. With the product videos, the customers can have the same information in the form of visual representation. It grabs their attention and raises interest among them. 

Promote Greater Brand Awareness 

Product videos aid businesses in promoting greater brand awareness, which can expand their reach to a broader audience. With the help of a perfect e-commerce app development and target audience through social media, influencer collaboration, content partnership, etc., you can amplify your brand visibility. 

Features such as pushing notifications about offers, promotions, updates, sales, etc., can aid you in keeping in touch with your customers. 

High Conversion Rates 

Other pivotal benefits of product videos are high conversion and grabbing the attention of potential customers. The video and auditory elements create an immersive experience, helping customers quickly understand the products’ benefits and features. Thus, it’s easier to convert visitors into customers. 

Know How AI Creates Compelling Product Videos in Minutes

Here, know the power of AI and learn how it creates compelling product videos in minutes: 

AI Product Video Maker

Automated Video Creation 

AI has completely revolutionized the process of video creation. With the AI algorithm, it has become easy to generate videos from raw footage and make edits as required. AI can automate text overlay, scene detection, transition, etc. AI streamlines the editing process and ensures consistency in all videos. AI has boosted video precision, and many app development companies are developing AI-driven video generation apps that provide visually stunning videos that enhance the business’s brand presence. 

Customizable Templates and Styles

AI-powered video editing tools encompass varied customizable tools and styles. You can choose from various pre-designed templates or create styles that align with your brand. AI technology can also aid you in explaining your product concepts and showcasing all your services perfectly. Make a wise decision while choosing the right app for video generation.

Advance Editing Features 

AI-powered tools have advanced editing features, which modify and generate quality videos. Transitions, effects, filters, speed-up, smart trimming, etc., can be automated with AI’s help. If you plan to opt for product videos and want additional unique features on your app, you can approach the app development companies that serve the best and prioritize quality. 

Real-time rendering and preview options 

These are the essential features of AI video editing tools. They envisage creators receiving instant suggestions or feedback. Real-time rendering aids in making changes in the video, swift adjustments, iterating, etc. Also, the preview options allow the users to see how the edits look before finalizing the video. 

Benefits of AI-Generated Product Videos for E-commerce Stores

AI-generated product videos have multiple advantages. The following are a few of them: 

AI Product Video Generation

Provide Customized Visual Search Experience 

Customers need a customized visual search experience. Earlier, product recommendations in e-commerce weren’t relevant to customers’ needs and requirements. But AI has bridged the gap between the two. Today, if a customer notices someone wearing a stylish pair of shoes, they can simply take a brief photo and upload it to search. The AI-powered tool will then suggest all the goods that are comparable to it. After that, all the customer has to do is choose their favorite item from the selection and complete the transaction. It dramatically streamlines the shopping process. 

Enhance Product Visuals  

If customers aren’t satisfied with the product they see in the photos, they may develop a wrong impression of your business. These sellers must always utilize an AI-generated picture. As these pictures are of excellent quality, they seem more attractive. 

Real-time Pricing Optimization 

It takes time to choose the appropriate price for your products. When choosing a pricing strategy, there are several things to consider, including the prices of rivals, cost of goods sold, shipping expenses, and customer demand. However, doing all this research takes time, particularly if you have an extensive product line. AI can adjust your product pricing in real time to stay profitable and competitive by analyzing the pricing strategies of your rivals, product demand, and other variables. We refer to it as dynamic pricing. For instance, when rivals’ stocks are low, the AI system may raise prices and vice versa.

Retargeting Shoppers 

E-commerce needs to retarget and re-engage the customers and increase the conversion rate. Many e-commerce businesses can’t manage their customer data appropriately. Here, AI plays an essential role. It can analyze the data and provide valuable insights that can be used to build personalized communication and offers to retarget potential customers. Otherwise, you can also make your app to manage your customer data, and many app development companies can help you create one for you. 

Elevate Product Search 

E-commerce businesses always look for different ways to elevate their product search experience. AI has brought numerous ideas to do it. With the help of AI, brands can elevate their product search experience and provide a personalized search experience. 

5 Best Practices for Implementing AI Video Creation in E-commerce

AI Video Creation
  1. Identify the right AI platform

Choosing the right AI platform for your e-commerce business is crucial for successful AI video creation. Check on the platform to see whether it aligns with your needs, envisages advanced features, provides reliable support, and streamlines the video creation. 

  1. Ensure perfect video length

A perfect-length video is essential to keep your visitors engaged. Along with unique content and amination, taking care of the ideal video length will help you create a long-lasting impression for your viewer. Too long videos can bore visitors, whereas short and crisp videos can encourage a higher conversion rate and raise interest among the viewers. 

  1. Use Detailed description, subtitles, and captions 

You must target all audiences, regardless of language barriers or impairment. Detailed descriptions, subtitles, and captions make your videos accessible to understand, have better SEO optimization, and can accommodate all viewers with language barriers or hearing impairments. 

  1. Include CTA 

Adding CTAs to your videos will help you push your customers to purchase, elevating your conversion rate. 

  1. Prioritize High-Quality Footage

High-quality footage is essential for your e-commerce business. Investing in a good camera, well-composed shots, and proper lighting will help you create visually appealing videos. 

Summing Up

AI has revolutionized video production for e-commerce businesses. With its advanced tools, such as editing transitions, scene identification, etc., it produces eye-catching and appealing animation that helps boost brand visibility. Through the proper use of AI, marketers can increase their conversion rate and improve the entire shopping and customizable templates, real-time rendering, shopping editing options, and more.

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How to Create Click-Worthy YouTube Videos with eye-catching YouTube Thumbnails Wed, 03 Apr 2024 07:25:22 +0000

Creating engaging videos on YouTube is an art, and the gateway to capturing viewers’ attention starts with eye-catching thumbnails. Statistics reveal that thumbnails significantly impact a video’s click-through rate (CTR), which is a critical metric for YouTube’s algorithm. In fact, YouTube reports that half of all channels and videos have an impression CTR falling between 2% and 10%. Moreover, 90% of the best-performing videos on YouTube feature custom thumbnails, highlighting the importance of a well-designed thumbnail in driving engagement.

An effective thumbnail serves as a visual hook that can make or break a viewer’s decision to click on a video. With millions of content creators looking for attention, a thumbnail that stands out is not just an option—it’s a necessity. 

In the article, we’ll delve into the top design tools to create killer YouTube thumbnails and a surprise video editing tool to enhance your YouTube videos and increase your click-through rate. Let’s dive in

Table of Contents:

  •  Top 7 design tools to create killer YouTube thumbnails
    • Fotor
    • MiriCanvas
    • Visme
    • Placeit
    • PosterMyWall
    • Canva
    • Creatopy
  • Video editing tools to boost your YouTube click-through rate
  • Summing Up – What are you waiting for?

Top 7 Design Tools to Create Killer Youtube Thumbnails

1: Fotor

Equipped with professionally designed templates, Fotor, an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, empowers users to swiftly craft personalized thumbnails—even without prior graphic design expertise. By incorporating a variety of design elements, you can elevate your thumbnails, attract more views, and maintain consistency in click-through rates.

Additionally, Fotor’s platform encourages creative exploration, enabling tasks such as converting images into transparent thumbnails. These abundant opportunities enhance the visual appeal of your YouTube channel.

Plans and Pricing:

  • Basic Plan: Available for all users.
  • Pro Plan: Priced at $8.99/month.
  • Pro Plus Plan: Priced at $19.99/month.

2 : MiriCanvas

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MiriCanvas makes creating click-worthy YouTube thumbnails a walk in the park. Here’s what sets them apart:

  • Massive Template Library: No matter your niche, browse a huge selection of high-quality templates for travel, fashion, ASMR, fitness, and more. Find the perfect starting point in seconds.
  • Effortless Design: With a user-friendly interface, all the tools you need are at your fingertips in the left panel. Drag, drop, and customize with ease.
  • Make Your Thumbnails Pop: MiriCanvas goes beyond basic editing. Explore trendy stickers, custom color themes, and even AI-powered drawings!

Plans to fit your needs: Choose from a free plan to get started, or upgrade to the pro plan for $11.99 per month and unlock even more features.

3 : Visme

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Visme, a versatile platform, provides a variety of foundational templates that users can swiftly customize. With easy-to-use editing tools, users can personalize both text and graphics effortlessly. Additionally, Visme offers access to an extensive library of stock images and customizable text graphics.

The platform features a convenient drag-and-drop interface, streamlining the process of creating thumbnails. Users have the flexibility to modify shapes, positions, and sizes to suit their needs.

As for pricing, Visme offers three plans:

  • Basic Plan: Ideal for getting started.
  • Starter Plan: Priced at $29.00/month.
  • Pro Plan: Available for $59.00/month.

4 : Placeit

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Placeit, a platform that caters to YouTube creators, provides customizable thumbnail templates. These templates simplify the process of creating branded thumbnails, especially for users who lack design experience. While it may impose some limitations on exceptionally creative designs, it truly shines in maintaining consistency across thumbnails.

With an extensive library of hundreds of templates, Placeit ensures that creators from various niches find suitable options. Its user-friendly search system makes exploration effortless. Moreover, Placeit offers animated previews, allowing users to experiment with different color schemes and fonts, thereby encouraging creativity and customization.

Plans and Pricing: Placeit offers an unlimited subscription plan priced at $9.99 per month.

5: PosterMyWall

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Create your YouTube thumbnails with PosterMyWall’s massive library of templates. These designs are a great way to kick off your creations, and with powerful masking and effects tools, you can easily make them visually impressive.

On top of that, PosterMyWall offers advanced text options, making it an even better choice for crafting eye-catching YouTube thumbnails.

Plans and Pricing: PosterMyWall has a free plan, with premium plans starting at $9.95/month and a premium plus plan for $29.95/month.

6: Canva

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With its user-friendly interface and beginner-oriented tutorials, Canva caters to design enthusiasts of all skill levels. Beginners can dive in swiftly, while seasoned designers can take advantage of advanced features. Canva’s versatility shines through its meticulously designed templates and an extensive collection of graphic elements like photos, shapes, and icons. Users can effortlessly create custom thumbnail images tailored to their unique design needs.

As for pricing, Canva provides three plans:

  • Free Plan: Access basic features at no cost.
  • Pro Plan: For $9.99/month, unlock additional premium features.
  • Teams Plan: Priced at $25/month, this plan caters to collaborative design efforts within teams.

7: Creatopy

Creatopy provides indispensable tools for creating eye-catching thumbnails that instantly grab viewers’ attention. Their professionally designed templates are visually impactful and can be personalized to harmonize seamlessly with your brand’s aesthetic.

No matter your experience level, Creatopy’s tools empower you to create stunning thumbnails that will boost your channel’s visual appeal.

Plans and Pricing:

  • Basic Plan: $32/month
  • Pro Plan: $45/month
  • Plus Plan: $165/month

Video Editing Tool to Boost Your YouTube Click-Through Rate

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What is Steve AI?

Steve AI effortlessly transforms text into engaging video content. Powered by advanced AI technology, it allows users to create captivating videos by inputting text. The platform is equipped with an array of templates and personalization features, perfect for content creators, marketers, and companies aiming to boost their online visibility.

Steve AI simplifies the video production workflow, enabling users to save valuable time and generate attractive videos that engage and expand their viewer base, ultimately enhancing interaction and exposure.

Key Features

Text to Video Conversion: Steve AI excels at turning written content into high-quality videos, diversifying content formats for creators.

Rich Media Library: Access an extensive media library with stock images, videos, and music tracks to enrich your videos.

AI-Driven Templates: The platform provides a variety of AI-generated templates, simplifying the video creation process across different themes and industries.

User-Friendly Interface: Designed for users of all skill levels, from novices to professionals.

Automated Voice over: Steve AI offers an automated voice over feature, enabling users to personalize videos with customizable fonts, colors, and logos, ensuring brand consistency.

Fast Rendering and Export: Steve AI ensures quick video rendering and seamless integration into digital platforms and social media.

Customization Options: Users can personalize videos with customizable fonts, colors, and logos, ensuring brand consistency.

Steve AI Pricing:

  • Basic Plan: $15/month
  • Starter Plan: $45/month
  • Pro Plan: $60/month

Summing Up – What are you waiting for?

We explored the significance of YouTube thumbnails, shedding light on how to create impactful ones and highlighting essential design tools for their production. Designing thumbnails for YouTube opens up vast possibilities to improve your channel’s visual allure and boost viewer interaction. Whether you’re in search of easy-to-use platforms, expert-level templates, or extensive personalization features, you’ll find a design tool that fits your preferences.

By skillfully utilizing these instruments, video makers can forge engaging thumbnails that grab viewers’ interest, increase the likelihood of clicks, and, in turn, contribute to the growth of their YouTube channel. Embark on a journey with these design applications, try out different aesthetics, and pinpoint the perfect tool that meets your thumbnail design needs.

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How can AI play a role in different styles of Animation? Fri, 29 Mar 2024 13:55:05 +0000

In the November of 2022 ChatGpt was rolled out by OpenAI and it broke the internet. 

We all thought that AI was first coming to take over the most redundant and dull aspects of our jobs, but to our surprise, it came in pursuit of creative greatness.

AI image generators were only the beginning. We are now seeing incredible quality animations being created simply with friendly assistance of artificial intelligence.

And that’s what this blog is all about. AI is here to revolutionize the animation industry and anyone who dares to look away from the reality will likely find himself crawling out of the race without their voluntary consent. 

In this blog I will discuss how AI is and will likely play an interesting role in executing different styles of animation. Here is what you will find in this detailed piece;

How AI can help with traditional hand-drawn animation, how exactly generative AI can help you personalize your creative content and what it means for content creators of the present time and the future?

That’s not all. The impact of AI is not just limited to static images or 2D character artwork for some fancy comic. 

In fact this discussion gets even more thought provoking when we see how AI is adding a new level of realism and artistic appeal in the most demanding and expensive yet labor intensive realm of 3D animation. 

I have also mentioned a special tool that can help with motion capture of characters while also automating lip sync of characters as per your given audio. 

Last but not the least I have also delved into the argument of AI taking over the job of animators. We will see if it’s a myth or a reality that will become a nightmare for creative artists. So if you are excited make sure to give it a good read. 

AI helps with 2D animation, and traditional animation

When it comes to 2D animation we know that each character requires a great level of detailing. You need to create one frame at a time and for the entire scene you will draw all the frames where a specific noticeable movement took place. 

That was applicable for literally all the characters or objects you would want to animate in your video. 

However the case is not the same when it comes to the modern version of AI powered animation tools. Today you being an animator, no need to draw each specific frame.

While some people admire the hand drawn animation style since it was very typical of the classical movies of Disney and even some of the best films of the current time, it is worth taking note that AI is here to make this work flow even more productive. 

You see now you need to create keyframes or major expressions and you can always ask AI to replicate your artistic style and it will do it seamlessly. Previously this was a big gap in technology. Not anymore. 

AI can save you the hurdle of the most labor intensive task, leaving you with more time to focus on the creative aspect of the job. Thanks to AI, 2D animation services are more affordable than ever. 

AI for 3D Animation: Realism and Rigging

Character rigging used to be a painstaking job for any animator. 

But not anymore. 

Courtesy of AI no longer you need to spend hours rigging each element or movement of the body perfectly. We now have AI to rig characters in absolutely no time. 

Ai has the ability to emulate natural movements of famous characters and real people making your animated character look more human with every aspect of their appearance. 

There is something even more impressive about AI and that is a new level of realism the AI images that we have been able to create using tools like 

Mid journey Gemini and Co pilot have breathtaking quality. The best part about AI is that you know longer have to create facial expressions for your characters; it simply emulates natural gestures with your friendly Prompt.

The use of AI will certainly allow you to invest more time in character detailing and rendering while rendering movement in real time. 

This is probably the most fascinating thing AI can help you do. 

It’s called virtual environment creation for gaming adventures. 

Previously you would need a dedicated concept artist who will take your script for content creative brief only artist while the artist may nail their job to perfection; the process itself is time consuming and possibly expensive for aspiring creators.

Not with AI at your service. 

You can create lifelike open world environments in 3D as well as the classical 2D. Provide references from the famous and most successful games and AI will take that as an inspiration and happily provide you with something parallel or at sometimes even better.

At times the output might not be top class, it will certainly save you a good load of time and also won’t break your bank.

AI makes Motion Capture easier and faster: Adobe Sensei

Thanks to Adobe Sensei’s motion capture motion feature you can now create real animated characters in real time. There is another exciting feature that comes with the dogs and say and it’s called the lipsing feature lips sink sink period. 

All you need to do is create our ID of mouth options for your character and adops and say will enter them and render them in real time.

Hence for any reasonable, talented artist, or a growing video animation agency there is an abundance of opportunity to create and tell a story of their own with these remarkable tools at their disposal.


Let’s wrap this one up. The access to AI technology for creatives opens a whole new world of opportunities. AI is here to aid us with 2D, and 3D animation work, while also giving us the leverage to spend more time exploring the realm of creative freedom. For the argument on AI taking jobs of artists, it goes without saying that it’s far from reality at least for now.

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